hard enough to turn her knuckles white.
Viking told me that Redbeard had come up with a plan, of sorts. His idea was to turn Redbeard in for the sabotage of Biker Boss's Dead corral, take him in to Yakuza Lady, then take out both her and her senior lieutenants at the same time. If we time it right, he said, we should have Doctor in there with us. I told him that I'd think on it and get back to him.
Doctor wanted to practice at noon today, as he had an appointment to see Yakuza Lady in the afternoon. And so, there we were, wooded swords clacking away like a motherfucker in the street out the front of the pub. Suddenly I realised that there was a large group of Dead bubbling out from the direction of the ruins of Old Brisbane. I dropped under Doctor's wooden blade, calling everybody's attention to the oncoming horde.
Just in time, apparently, as more shambled out from alleyways all around us. There were easily several thousand of the freakish fuckers surrounding us in every direction. It had the feel of an ambush, in fact, not that the Dead knowingly use such tactics. Waitress flew past, broken coffee pot dripping gore from the Dead head that she had obliterated with it.
Guns flew out into hands, bullets were fired into the oncoming mass of rotten former humanity. Pulling the machete out with my left hand, I held my wooden sword in my right, standing back to back with Doctor, waiting for the Dead to come to us. Fighting with two weapons was a totally different experience, one I was unsure I liked. However, there were too many fucking Dead to argue with at this point, so two weapons were better than one.
Tiny was busily fending off the flesh-starved attacks of several Dead, so I tapped Doctor on the shoulder, indicated her. We dove as one, taking up position on either side of the small woman. I dropped the machete at her feet and took up my wooden katana in both hands, clobbering Dead brains from their skulls, in one particularly decomposed Dead's case sending its head flying from its shoulders.
She picked up the dropped machete and sliced into the skull of the Dead that was about to sink teeth into my leg, one I hadn't noticed, being focussed more on those that walked, less on those that crawled. The three of us worked as a whirlwind of Dead-death, slaughtering anything that drew near. I saw Disciple, near the café, slender blade in his hand, poking holes in any Dead that drew near. For some reason the Dead steered well clear of him.
Then, as suddenly as they had appeared, the onslaught of Dead ceased. Thousands of rotting carcasses littered the streets, but the Living of New Brisbane were all survivors. Some had been killed and were beginning to stir in Death now, a few more had suffered bites and were either killing themselves as we watched or being put down by their friends.
Viking and Redbeard, covered in the blood of their foes, triumphantly strode over. The Twin, too, joined us. Disciple, smiling slightly to himself, shook his head in amazement at the pile of Dead that lay before us, testament to the work that Doctor, Tiny and I had done. Wiping the blade clean, Tiny handed the machete back.
Tiny told me that the Dead would periodically attack like that, finding Old Brisbane mostly devoid of anybody Living. There were still a few small groups that had chosen independence over joining The Empire, though any of the fresher Dead that wander in were likely from such groups. There was safety in numbers, that much was certain, and the greater the numbers the greater the safety, it seemed.
Viking, Jarhead and Redbeard were gathering up teeth in front of the pub, then hurling the useless carcasses off to one side, where others were fossicking through their rags for anything valuable, or better yet, useful. I examined the wood of my sword, noticing that during the battle it had suffered a large crack, straight down the middle. It would not likely last long against Doctor in our next session.
June 30 th Year
Cynthia Hand
Maggie Pritchard
Marissa Dobson
Jane Trahey
Terri Blackstock
Ella Mansfield
Edna Buchanan
Veronica Chambers
I. J. Parker
D. W. Buffa