Ann H

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Book: Ann H by Unknown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Unknown
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job. “You’re working on
the side Vintina and I don’t like that.”
    “Oh really? Well—”
    He cut her off by grabbing hold of her
throat, squeezing, and cutting off her air. “You listen and listen closely. I
run things around here and if you’re going to venture out then that means
you’ll pay more. You want my protection you pay for it. You want the extra
bodies you pay. If you don’t, then I’ll let one of my boys here take it out in
trade with one of your daughters. Do you understand me?” He gave her a shake
and she nodded. Letting her go, she coughed and he sat back, straightening his
tie and jacket. “I’ll expect my payment by the end of the week. Now get out.”
    She kept her mouth shut, opened the door,
and got out. Nodding to the driver to take off, David pulled out his phone and
dialed a number. “Keep an eye on her.” It’s all he said, hung up, and sighed.
He didn’t even flinch with the loud sound of a gun being shot. Already in his
mind, he was on to the next house and the next fucker who tried to take him
    Scarlet Moon
    Chapter One
few hours before red full moon
    His eyes wouldn’t open! He couldn’t get an arm up,
move his leg, or stop the people that were taking his clothes off. Helpless! He
was so fucking helpless.
    Brandon Michael tried like hell to fight, but his body
and mind couldn’t connect. His clothes were taken away from him as he lay on
something hard. Once everything was removed, his arms were pulled up over his
head and iron cuffs clasped over his wrists. A hard yank and Brandon swayed to
his feet, held up by those damn cuffs. They hooked those chains on something,
and leaving him to somewhat hang there in the dark.
    “Bring him in.”
    Brandon jumped, turned his head toward the sound of a female
voice. Forcing his damn eyes open. They did, but focusing he still couldn’t do.
    Bright light shined in the room, blinding Brandon even
more. He’d drugged, couldn’t see, or move, but his fucking heat was upon him
and he didn’t have one warm body close to help ease the pain. Fuck, fuck, fuck
    “I’m so pleased you could make it,” the female said.
    Brandon tried like hell to get his eyes to adjust and
see what was going on around him. Whatever that drug was they stuck him with
seemed to do one hell of a number on him. Where
is Thorn?
    “Well, when you said you had what I have been looking
for, I just had to come and see,” a male said.
    “Then I shall not keep you waiting. Here he is.”
    “Oh, he is beautiful!”
    Brandon cringed inside at the words coming from
another man’s lips. With the full moon, his senses were on high alert, and that
meant he could pick up smells and other things. The scent that came off this
guy had Brandon not only praying but also clenching his ass cheeks. No way you’re fucking me you dick!
    “Did you find a girl?” the man asked.
    “Would I have called you if I didn’t have everything
you asked for?” A snap of fingers and another scent joined the room. Mine!
    “I want a sample,” the man demanded.
    “But of course.”
    Closer that sweet scent came; the closer to him the
more his dick throbbed in pain. Brandon couldn’t hold back a groan. Forcing his
eyes once more to open, he looked down at the young woman who just was shoved
to her knees before him. She didn’t say a word or look up at him. What she did
do was steal his breath, leaving him struggling to get one small amount of air
into his lungs.  
    The girl took his aching cock in hand, and then closed
her lips around the head, sucking half of the length into her mouth and down
her throat. Brandon gasped loudly. He didn’t even have the will power to tell
her to stop or beg her for more.
    Just as quickly as it started it stopped.
Through his blurry eyes, he saw a hand push her away, then jerked her to her
feet and shoved her from the

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