Angie Arms - Flame Series 03

Angie Arms - Flame Series 03 by The Darkest Flame

Book: Angie Arms - Flame Series 03 by The Darkest Flame Read Free Book Online
Authors: The Darkest Flame
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hand up to touch one of his own, the one that could have so easily ended his life.  Ended his life before he had ever come to know Ryann and the kindness of her soul.  What person would give of themselves and the things they had, to others as she did to the orphans, Winford and his mother?
    “My lord,” Ros said , from behind him.  Garrick suppressed a startled jump and turned, dropping his hand away from his face as he gave his attention to his man.  “Una follows us.”
    “How far away is she?”
    “Not far, but far enough I fear for her safety.”
    Garrick stare d at this warrior who rode with him for years, rising through the ranks from a squire.  He never gave much thought to the men he did not feel threatened by, and Ros was one of those.  He never joined with the other men when they were wreaking their horrors on innocent people.
    “Go watch over her, see that she stays safe.”  He watched a slight smile begin on the stout knight’s face , before he suppressed it.  “Thank you Garrick,” he said, but realized what he said and amended, “Yes my Lord.”
    Garrick turned back around in time to see Alena reach a hand out to take Marcus’s in hers.  The look on his second’s face was one of rapture at her touch , then she leaned forward and planted her lips on his cheek.  He knew Marcus, and for all his proclamations that Alena was his woman, he had not touched her, a fact that was torturing him.  He watched the man now, his fists tightly balled after reaching for her, but drawing away.  Alena pressed her body against his and that’s when Marcus lost the battle.  He grabbed her around the waist and the gentle kiss ended as he took over. When they separated, they stared at one another for a long moment, Alena with confusion and Marcus with shock.  Then Alena’s lips rose in a sensuous smile, before turning and walking away, with her hips swaying provocatively with each step.  Marcus watched her so intently he never heard Garrick’s approach.
    “Did you get the guards posted?” Garrick asked , trying to hold on to his patience.
    “I was going to do that now,” he said , avoiding Garrick’s gaze before walking away.
    His eyes wondered to the sleeping Ryann.  “What has placed that scowl on your face?” Alena asked approaching him, a f act he took no note of as he stared at his wife.
    “With you women about my men are going to be slaughtered,” he said bitterly , turning to her.
    “With us about?” she questioned , mutiny jumping in her eyes.
    “Yes!” he said , his voice rising, edged with venom.  “Ros is off to look after Una, who insists on following us.  Marcus is neglecting his duties, and there my wife lays on the ground when she should be back at Kilkenny.”
    “This is our fault?” she asked.
    “Yes,” he roared.
    “It seems as if your men just can’t keep their minds on task.  Perhaps you should have some lessons on how to focus.  Or perhaps your men just tire of your highness,” she spat , crossing her arms over her heaving chest.
    “I see why Marcus doesn’t touch you, you’re a shrew,” Garrick said coldly, his temper rising.
    “He doesn’t touch me because he is a gentleman, not a whore’s bastard.”  He grabbed her by the shoulder and jerked her forward, so her body slammed into his.  He stared at her, a thousand thoughts running through his mind as he tried to figure out how to control this woman.  When she cried out Garrick thrust her away so hard she stumbled and fell.  He moved to stand over her, his booted foot he planted on her neck so she couldn’t rise, and when she tried, it cut off her own breath.
    “You say I’m scarred but I can still fight.  A scarred woman however has no use, it verily sickens me to look at you.”  He bent over her, his face terrifying in all its anger.  “Did you ever think this is why Marcus does not touch you?  He looks upon your ugliness and his manhood shrivels.”
    He stepped away from her then and

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