Angels In Red

Angels In Red by Adelle Laudan

Book: Angels In Red by Adelle Laudan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Adelle Laudan
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    “He was initially treating him for a bladder infection. After two weeks of the antibiotics not working, he ran a series of tests. Your father has stage four colon cancer, and it’s too far gone and spreading. They’re keeping him as comfortable as possible, but he’s weakening rapidly. In fact, I’m taking a chance leaving there at this time, but I thought you should know.”
    She’d spent the first weeks at the cabin wondering how her father reacted to her decision to stay. A part of her even hoped he’d reach out to her. As the weeks passed by, she gave up waiting, and accepted the harsh truth. Her father simply didn’t care enough about her to make the effort.
    Now he’s sick, dying of cancer…
    Jenna fumbled with the coffee mugs; one slipped out of her hand and hit the floor, breaking into several pieces. “Damn!” She stooped to pick up the shards, slicing her finger on a jagged edge. “Now look what I’ve done…” Tears rolled down her cheeks. 
    Sure, she had every right to be angry, and more than justified in not wanting anything to do with the man, but he was still her father…
    Charles stooped and grabbed hold of her arms, guiding her to stand. He took her bloody finger and ran it under cold water. “It’s going to be okay, kiddo. You’re not alone.”
    Jenna sniffled. “I know my father can be an asshole, but nobody deserves to die from that horrid disease.”
    Her dear friend picked up the broken mug and threw it in the garbage. “Got another cup?”
    She sucked on her finger and nudged him out of the way with her hip. “Go on, I got this.” After taking another mug from the cupboard, she filled all three with steaming coffee. “I need to take one of these out to Jack.”
    Charles smiled reassuringly. “Mind if I come? I’ve never seen a dog giving birth.”
    She offered him a weak smile, grateful he sensed her need for a diversion. “Thank you.”

    Charles hated being the bearer of bad news, but he hoped to talk Jenna into coming home for a few days. He hadn’t counted on the eight new arrivals. There was no need for words between the young couple, working together seamlessly, like a well-oiled machine. A brush of her hand against Jack’s arm and the slightest of smiles tugged at the corner of his mouth in response—the pair obviously very much in love.
    Maybe it wasn’t such a good idea coming here and disrupting their lives.
    “Well, let’s give our girl some privacy with her new pups.” Jack wiped his hands. “It’s good to see you again, Charles.”
    They returned to the main cabin and settled in around the fire before he brought up the topic again. “I’m sorry I’m not here under more pleasant circumstances.”
    Jenna sat on the arm of Jack’s chair.
    “What’s wrong?” His gaze shifted from Charles to Jenna, and back again.
    “Jenna’s father is very ill. He could go at any time now. I thought she should know.”
    Jack took her hand and steered her to sit on his lap. “I’m so sorry. Are you okay?”
    She sniffled. “I think so. I haven’t been close to my father in a very long time.”
    “He’s still your dad, so I get it.” He rubbed her back. “How long will you be gone?”
    Jenna frowned and brushed his hands away. “Who says I’m going anywhere?”
    “I am. You’ll regret it for the rest of your life if you don’t go.” He smiled reassuringly. “It won’t be long, and you can help Charles tie up any loose ends. I’d come with you, but Sasha needs me here. I have to make sure all the pups are being nourished. You just don’t know from one litter to the next how the mom is going to do. So far, she’s been doing great, but it could go bad very fast.”
    Charles ran a finger along the inside of his shirt collar. It felt a little like he was intruding on a very personal moment. A quick look around showed nowhere to bow out and give them some privacy.
    “Don’t you need me here?” She pouted.
    The same pout Charles remembered from

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