Angels and Hunters (Stoker Sisters 2)

Angels and Hunters (Stoker Sisters 2) by Kailin Gow Page B

Book: Angels and Hunters (Stoker Sisters 2) by Kailin Gow Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kailin Gow
it’s not safe for me out there. I trust you, Ashwin. I know you’ll keep me safe.”
    “Perfect,” Ashwin whispered. “But we don’t want Skars to suspect you're with me. He has to believe you're with Keegan.”

    Chapter 12
    I t took a long moment for Keegan to finally relent and simply turn around. Watching Sadie leave with the likes of Ashwin killed him. He put his hand to the door handle of Rusty’s and pulled, unsure why he really wanted to enter the restaurant at all.
    Frank was quick to come to him the moment Keegan sat at the counter, friendly and welcoming as usual.
    “What can I do you for?” he asked.
    “I don’t know.” Keegan smiled, but knew his heart wasn’t really in it. “I’m not really hungry.”
    “Oh, I see.” Frank leaned in. “You're here about a particularly pretty blond.”
    Keegan hid his surprise. “Sadie?”
    “She’s the one, isn’t she?” 
    “You mean the Angel?”
    Frank shot him an avuncular grin. “That and perhaps the girl who has really touched your heart.”
    “I’m not exactly sure about that.” Keegan thought of Alexis, wondering if she could possibly be the Angel. Stranger things had happened. All her drama and rebellion could just be for show. Beneath it all, she could be the pure one, the angel amongst vampires. She certainly had the mouth to end the feud between Strigois and good vampires.
    Alexis had helped him when he’d been attacked, even taking the time to bring him to the hospital. Not many aspiring Strigois would do that. Though he’d not known she was a vampire back then, he now realized how hungry she must have been that night, after all she’d been out to get a meal. Yet she’d shoved that aside in order to tend to his wellbeing.
    It made sense. Somewhere in there, beneath the hard veneer and sharp tongue, was the little girl who sought approval and praise. She’d proved that night just how kind hearted she truly was. She hid it so well, this good little girl, but she could very well be an Angel, just like Sadie.
    “Frank,” Keegan said, his heart heavy with the thought of Sadie lost out there with that weasel. “Sadie was in here with Ashley.”
    “I believe his name is…”
    “I know perfectly well what his name is. It just sticks to my tongue and refuses to emerge as it should.” Ignoring Frank’s amused grin, he brought more urgency to his question. “Why did you allow Sadie to leave with him?”
    “You don’t see the whole picture.”
    “Then enlighten me. Ashley is a Strigoi and when he strolled in here neither you nor Martha batted an eye. You didn’t alert me or any other hunter.” 
    “He may be a Strigoi, but…”
    “What did he tell you to win such trust from you?”
    “Don’t get on the defensive, Hunter.”
    Keegan grinded his teeth on hearing Frank’s derogatory tone.
    “I should be just as wary of you as Ashwin. You're our enemy, remember?”
    Busying his hands with the folding and unfolding of a paper napkin, Keegan kept his gaze on the counter. He couldn’t argue that point with Frank.
    “Ashwin is more than just an average Strigoi. He’s strong. Much stronger than you can imagine. Maybe it’s because he’s one of the Ancients before he went to Skars.”
    “That hardly changes anything. He’s still a Strigoi.”
    “Keegan,” Frank said softly as he leaned closer. “Ashwin saved Martha’s life.”
    “I’m sure he had his own reasons for doing so.”
    Taking a quick glance at Martha at the other end of the restaurant, Frank shook his head.
    “She was on Skars’ death list. As one of Dracule’s followers, she was to be eliminated should she choose not to join Skars’ forces. Ashwin had her, right there in his clutches and of course Martha refused to have anything to do with Skars.”
    “Let me guess, he let her go.”
    “That Bulgarian prince had a change of heart, Keegan, just like you did.”
    “Perhaps it’s simply Martha who has an

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