Angels and Hunters (Stoker Sisters 2)

Angels and Hunters (Stoker Sisters 2) by Kailin Gow Page A

Book: Angels and Hunters (Stoker Sisters 2) by Kailin Gow Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kailin Gow
overwhelmed her. For years she thought his heart belonged to Alexis. The many times she had replayed various scenes from her childhood, Alexis had always come out the victor. She’d always held his gaze longer, always enticed him more easily.
    Sadie lacked the abandon Alexis had. Reserved and quiet it was hard to compete with the tempest her sister often proved to be.
    But now… Sadie pulled back and looked into Ashwin’s eyes. “Alexis would do anything to be with you,” she said. Part of her wanted to tempt and test him. Knowing that Alexis could easily be his, heart and soul, would he falter?
    Staring up at him, her heart began to pound with deafening persistence as she awaited his response.
    “Alexis may have held my curiosity for a moment, but you’re the one who has always, always had complete control of my heart.”
    Her heart swelled, filled her senses and left her feeling dizzy. And when his lips pressed against hers, she was flooded with warmth and love as she never dared dream of.
    “I have no doubts where my heart lies,” he whispered as he continued to pepper her eyes, cheeks and neck with passionate kisses. “Unlike Keegan, I know how I feel for you. I have no questions or hesitations.”
    Overjoyed with the depth of emotions he was displaying, Sadie wanted to cling to the moment and never let it go. Being in his arms, in his embrace, in his kiss; it was where she belonged and where she wanted to be for the rest of her life.
    Lord Ashwin, she thought. A prince and a man of the world. And he loved her.
    “For years I’ve suffered at the hands of Skars, all for the purpose of seeing you again, being with you again. Pledging servitude to him is a small price to pay just to hold you in my arms.”
    His lips enveloped hers and her head reeled from the pleasurable sensations he brought her. Was love always this wonderful? Was the tender embrace of a man always so welcoming and reassuring?
    “But my true pledge is to you, Sadie.” He pulled back suddenly and held her gaze with fierce determination. “I want to do all that I can to keep you safe, and with Skars’ devilish scheme looming over you, it won’t always be easy.”
    “Am I really in that much danger? I mean with so many vampires out there, why does he want me?”
    “Your lineage precedes you. You can’t escape it, at least not entirely.”
    “What do you mean, not entirely?”
    “Alexis. You need to break away from her, cut off ties.”
    “Ashwin, do you realize what you're asking me to do?”
    “She can only bring you danger.”
    “She’s my sister. I can’t abandon her.”
    “She’s closer to the Darkness than you think, Sadie. I know you want to save her, and I admire you for that. Your love for her is commendable, but it may also be your downfall.”
    “What do you propose I do? Just run off, without so much as leaving a word to her?”
    “She’ll turn on you if you don’t.” He gripped her shoulders, his fingers digging in as he pressed on. “Stay with me, Sadie. Let me keep you safe. Let me keep you out of Skars’ clutches. Perhaps when it’s safe you can return to help Alexis, but if she turns on you, you’ll never be able to keep her from turning completely to the dark side.”
    “Ashwin, I want to be with you so much, and for always, but…”
    “Don’t say no, Sadie. Don’t turn me down, my angel.” He took hold of a lock of hair and twirled it around his finger. “My angel. The Angel Skars wants beyond anything. He’s out to get Delilah and there’s little I can do to save her. But you… You’ve no idea what he’ll do to get you. I’ve traveled through centuries and across continents to find you again. I can’t lose you, not to him. I can’t sit by and watch him destroy you.”
    “You're scaring me, Ashwin.”
    “Good.” His fingers continued to twirl the lock of hair while his eyes positively mesmerized her. “Good.”
    Her lips parted and the words that emerged were not her own. “I know

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