Angel Manor (Lucifer Falls Book 1)
wiped the residue from his hair with a gloved hand. He dropped the sledgehammer, and the loud thud made Freya cringe.
    “We’re wearing PPE in there. The structure looks good, but we don’t know how long this place has been boarded up or what we might find.” John Norris handed out hardhats.
    Freya gazed into the darkness beyond the rubble. She waited for everyone to make their way through, then watched Oliver step into the void.
    “Don’t forget your hardhat.” Logan handed her a yellow monstrosity. Freya ran her hands over the deep black scratches and scuffmarks, hesitating to put it on for a moment.
    “I wouldn’t go in there without one.” He winked at her and she responded with a watery smile.
    “I think I’m a little intimidated by the thought of what’s in there. The two rooms we cleared out were pretty bad. I can only imagine what this place is going to look like.”
    “Well, I wouldn’t worry about it too much. You’ve got us to help you now.” He touched her arm, and she felt a little jolt as he did so.
    “You know what’s weird?” She looked into his deep green eyes. “I’ve only just realised something.”
    “There were so many cobwebs… but I haven’t seen a single spider yet…”
    “I’m sure we’ll come across a few. And other creatures I expect. They tend to nest in old houses like these.”
    “I’ve not seen a living creature anywhere near here. Not even a fly.”
    “Well, I would say that we’re pretty alive.” Logan pointed at himself and made a gesture towards the guys. Freya’s cheeks flushed a soft pink, and she put her hat on to mask the embarrassment she felt.
    “Of course… I meant… no animals.”
    Logan pushed the hardhat further onto her head, the plastic pinching her temples. “I know.” Another wink accompanied by a smile. He held his hand up towards her, and she placed her palm in his. Logan led her through the door and into the East Wing.
    There was a smell, sickly sweet with a hint of rotting meat underneath, so overpowering and sense-dulling that Freya was forced to take a step back. She lingered in the doorway, her face set in a grimace.
    “What’s that smell?” Her voice was muffled by the cupped hand around her mouth and nose.
    “What smell?” Logan looked at her with sincere confusion. “I don’t smell anything. Well… maybe it’s a bit stale, but not nearly as bad as I thought it would be.”
    Freya looked at the others, who were investigating the dark wing. The only light came from the portable builder’s lamps that they carried. No one else seemed to have noticed the stench, so she carefully inhaled again. It was still there, but not as strong this time, only a vague scent. A nervous laugh bubbled in the back of her throat and she bit her lip to keep it from escaping.
    “Are you okay?” Logan adjusted his hardhat and cocked his head at her.
    “I’m fine. It’s just… darker than I would have liked. I don’t do so well in the dark.”
    “Ah. Don’t worry. We’re here with you.” He grabbed her hand and squeezed it, and Freya felt a hot tingle throughout her body.
    She turned her eyes to the long corridor of the East Wing and gave a soft sigh. Yellowish-green wallpaper hung in tattered curls; it looked as if someone had deliberately shredded it in the centre. A residue of lime crunched under the soles of her shoes, giving the illusion the floor was made of gravel rather than marble.
    “It’s like another world in here. I feel like I’ve just landed on the moon or something.” Freya’s voice was no more than a whisper, and Logan nodded.
    “It does a bit, doesn’t it? This is one of the oldest buildings that we’ve had the privilege to work on. It’s fascinating what kind of state these places can be in.” He smiled at her, and her legs went weak again.
    If only I could just lean forward and kiss him, she thought. If only he could be mine. The words echoed through her mind, and she felt a familiar tremble in

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