Andrea Kane

Andrea Kane by Dream Castle

Book: Andrea Kane by Dream Castle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dream Castle
the front of the chapel, where Braden awaited her approach. He looked magnificent in his formal black dress coat and elegant white waistcoat, emanating the very magnetism and utter masculine strength that always made Kassie heady with awareness. Their gazes locked, and she gave him a brilliant smile, telling him how much this moment meant to her.
    Braden saw nothing but Kassandra.
    She seemed to fill the room with her presence, her incomparable beauty. Never had a woman looked more enchanting to him than she did at that moment, her face glowing with happiness, her brilliant eyes alive with the light of a thousand jewels. Everything she was, all her strength and her purity of soul, was reflected from within. Braden felt overwhelmed by humbleness and pride … and another, stronger, emotion, one that unfurled slowly, making his chest tighten and expand all at once. It was something he neither understood nor wanted to explore more closely, but it was there nonetheless.
    Kassie reached his side, and he met her smile with his own. The moment belonged only to them—a moment during which a rare and special communication passed between them, one that required no words nor explanation.
    Cyril stepped away, relinquishing Kassie to her future.
    It was with a sense of peace that she and Braden turned to pledge themselves to each other. For they both knew that whatever the reasons, this was how it was destined to be.
    Kassie watched with awe as Braden slid the symbolic ring onto her finger. The heavy gold band felt cool against her skin, and prisms of light sparkled from the sapphires and emeralds that circled the meticulously crafted ring.
    “As rare as the blues and greens of your eyes,” he murmured softly, lowering his head to kiss her.
    Kassie’s heart expanded with joy. With the exchange of a few words and the brush of Braden’s lips against hers, she belonged to him. Now and forever. The reality was intoxicating.
    And then there were congratulations to receive, followed by a traditional wedding breakfast, served in one of Sherburgh’s cozier ballrooms, in order that the guests might mingle. Braden’s chef outdid himself with mouth-watering salmon soufflé, succulent roast beef, glazed ham, and more kinds of fresh fruits and rich desserts than the tables could hold. The occasion marked Kassie’s first opportunity to acquaint herself with her new social circle, for Braden had been very careful to keep her away from the prying eyes of the ton prior to the wedding.
    It was an experience Kassie would never forget.
    Braden had purposely arranged for the guest list to be small, in an attempt to lead Kassie gently and gradually into her new role. But to Kassie, who was unaccustomed to such elaborate gatherings, the pale green gilded room seemed to brim over with worldly, exquisitely clothed women and commanding, influential men.
    “So you are Braden’s new bride,” said an elderly man whose distinguished appearance was belied by the hungry gleam in his eye.
    Unsure of Braden’s whereabouts, Kassie steeled herself for her first, and hopefully successful, performance as the Duchess of Sherburgh.
    With a dazzling smile she replied, “Why, yes, I am. But you have me at a disadvantage, my lord, for we have not as yet been properly introduced.”
    The hot, ravenous eyes raked her slender figure, and Kassie could swear that the old goat licked his chops before he answered. “Forgive me, my dear,” he said at last, lifting her hand to his jowls in a grand gesture. “I am George Marshall, the Earl of Lockersham.” He brushed his wet lips across her hand, where they lingered for a scant moment. Kassie had to work hard to refrain from openly shuddering at the contact.
    “A pleasure, Lord Lockersham,” she replied, tugging her hand away from him. Her smile never faltered. “And which lovely guest is Lady Lockersham?”
    He scowled. “The countess is at home … ill.”
    Kassie’s huge aqua eyes filled with genuine compassion.

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