And Then There Were Three
from the club and
having his way with the two of us.
    “Well since we are all old friends, why don’t
we take this party to the dance floor? After you use the restroom
of course.” Jason gave us both a panty-crushing smile. Most of the
ladies in line actually swooned.
    “Jason, you are not trying to sweet talk my
two ladies are you?” Mark said making his presence known holding up
two fingers. Now neither line was moving as everyone in the hallway
became engrossed in our crazy scene. If the ladies swooned for
Jason they practically panted when they turned to take in Mark.
    “How are you doing Jason? I am Mark.” Mark
extended his hand as a bewildered Jason shook it more out of
formality than understanding.
    “Jason, this is my boyfriend Mark,” Nicole
introduced. The people in the hallway were having a hard time
keeping up with the titles being tossed around.
    “I thought you said this gorgeous creature is
your girlfriend. Now this man is your boyfriend? I am confused
Nicole what are you into now?”
    “I am into these two or more like they are in
me,” Nicole guffawed, “or something like that.” Nicole pretended to
think this over but dismissed the logic with a swipe of her
    “We would like to thank you Jason for letting
this amazing woman go,” I said sending a high five his way that he
ignored. Ok I guess I am not a gorgeous creature anymore! Men are
so fickle!
    “Oh so I dump you and you have to go find a
married couple to fulfill you.” Jason tried to recover with a dirty
remark. “Damn I am a bad brother.”
    “Not really but Mark is a bad brother. You
are right he definitely fills me. Or is it when I am face down in
my woman’s delicious pussy? Either way I am so very fulfilled so
Eva’s right high five time.” Nicole raised her hand for a high five
that was never met. The people in the hallway started to laugh as
they noticed the look of utter defeat on Jason’s face. He had hoped
Nicole would mourn his loss the rest of her life. Not so much!
    “I would have kept you if I thought you could
have brought this gorgeous creature to our bedroom.” Jason said
trying to touch my hand, which I snatch away immediately.
    “Don’t worry Jason I got it from here. I will
take good care of them tonight. You know for the both of us,” Mark
interjected his nostrils were full on flaring right now. Mark
patted his back but it was a lethal pat. I put my hand on Mark’s
bicep to calm him.
    “I am so jealous of you right now man,” an
unknown man slapped Mark a high five. The line began to move as
Jason just stood there glaring at Nicole.
    “Hurry ladies, I want those asses on the
dance floor,” Mark announced as he went into the men’s room.
    A dude walked up to Jason and pretended to
close his mouth. “Close your mouth dawg, you fucked up big time.
You two are so fucking beautiful, damn.” The dude directed kisses
in our direction as he walked away. I wrapped a protective arm
around Nicole as she leaned into me, not from the dude but from
Jason’s crazy stare.
    “Ok damn that was a good show. Both those men
are fine ass hell but I think you chose wisely with Mark.” A woman
in the bathroom said as we washed our hands in the sink. I applied
more lip-gloss as I shook my head. Nicole grabbed a paper towel and
nodded her head. This had bothered her immensely. His words had
hurt her and I was ready to kick his ass.
    “Nicole, can I talk to you for a minute?”
Jason asked reaching for her arm as we exited the bathroom. Mark
emerged and I could see it was about to get physical if Jason
didn’t go away soon. Nicole avoided his grasp.
    “There is nothing to say Jason. I returned
your ring per your request. Have a nice life,” Nicole said taking
Mark’s extended hand.
    “Nicole for real! How long is this going to
last before they move on to someone else? Then you will be alone
again.” Jason yelled.
    “Look here you pathetic bastard we love her
and know how to love her so take that whack ass

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