Anarchist: (An MC Serial Novel) Book 1

Anarchist: (An MC Serial Novel) Book 1 by Jordan Silver Page A

Book: Anarchist: (An MC Serial Novel) Book 1 by Jordan Silver Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jordan Silver
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his place. This one hadn’t been worked over half as bad, but still.
    “Where’s your daughter?” he turned back to the man who seemed to have lost the ability to speak all of a sudden. Next he turned to the woman. “Where’s your kid?” she looked at the big man in fear.
    “Don’t look at him, I’m asking you a question, you have a daughter, where the fuck is she?”
    “I don’t know.” She barely whispered the words as she hung her head in shame and her shoulders shook with silent tears.
    Law didn’t push her any farther; he understood that fear someone had for a bully who’d probably been terrorizing them all their life.
    He understood it but he’d be fucked if he’d excuse any mother who stood by and watched what had happened to the young girl happen to her own kid. He was pretty sure it wasn’t the first time either.
    “Brand take her inside and let her get her shit together, we’re taking her outta here.” The woman’s head came up and the look of hope on her face made Law’s guts burn. How long had she been waiting to hear those fucking words?
    The man turned glaring eyes her way but Law was ready for him. “Don’t look at her asshole; you go on in Miss, and grab your daughter’s shit too while you’re at it, she wasn’t carrying much when she crawled onto my place this morning.”
    “Now you!” he grabbed the bigger man by the throat and pulled him off the porch. The rest of his men stood around with arms folded like they were watching paint dry.
    “You like beating up on women and little girls huh?” he threw the man down in the dirt and stood over him. As soon as he caught his breath the man scampered back on his hands and heels, his eyes peeled to Law to see what he would do next.
    When he got to his knees Law used his foot in his chest to kick him back down Spartan style. Law loved that fucking movie; that was one motherfucker that didn’t give a shit about the odds.
    The man kept his eyes on the gun in Law’s hand as he laid in the dirt. “I’ll tell you what, how about I put this away and we go at it mano y mano huh? Boys, I’m gonna fight this piece a shit bare-fisted, if he gets the drop on me, no one is to touch him understood?”
    The man started to look hopeful and a little brave as he got to his feet; after all he had about fifty pounds on the younger man. Law’s announcement was greeted with a few ‘yeahs and yeps’, but there was one voice he hadn’t heard and that was the one that counted most.
    His little brother Kyle wasn’t too bright. By that he meant, the boy was book smart and knew right from wrong and all that happy shit, but when it came to his big brother there was a glitch in his head.
    It was understandable though, since the two were all the family each had left.
    Law looked over at his brother. “Kyle if this son of a bitch gets the drop on me you let him lone ya hear?” all he got was those eyes turned on him and a grunt.
    He guessed that was gonna have to do for now. He’d expect the others to keep Kyle in line. Not that he expected the other man to overpower him, that little speech was all for the man’s benefit.
    He turned his attention back to the asshole, who charged him like a bull out the pen at the starting bell. What an ass. Law stood still until the fool got close enough and hit him in the face with a short left hand jab.
    This enraged the bull and he charged again. Each time he charged, Law countered with a jab, a kick or a punch. Truth was the big bastard couldn’t fight worth shit.
    “I see your skills only extend to beating up on the weak, where the fuck did you learn to fight anyway?” the next time the idiot charged him, Law used a thumb to the throat, right on his pulse, and dropped him like a sack of potatoes.
    “You’re no daisy at all.” Doc Holliday, another motherfucker that didn’t give a fuck, these men were Law’s go to encyclopedias.
    The door opened and the woman came out with Brandon behind her. She had bags

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