Anal Love
    Aaron Grimes
    Copyright 2013 Aaron Grimes
    Smashwords Edition, License Notes
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    DISCLAIMER: This story is intended for a mature audience only! Contains
explicit, graphic sex and language. Not intended for individuals
under the age of 18.
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    Due to his looks, personality, wealth and
fame, Josh Evans has a wide variety of women to choose from. Most
of the time, he takes full advantage of this, generally spending
each night with a different woman and rarely sleeping with the same
woman twice, let alone more often than that.
    Part of this is mere convenience—his
lifestyle is one of near-constant travel, and he’s rarely in the
same city for more than a couple days at a time, and almost never
in the same exact place from one night to the next. This allows him
the opportunity to pick and choose a different woman every night
from the multitudes of gorgeous ones at his disposal without having
to worry about hurting anyone’s feelings.
    Another part of this is his
preferences. He’d rather have sex with a different woman every night, not
only for the mere experience of sleeping with as many women as
possible, but for emotional reasons as well. During his playing
days, Josh had been in a couple of serious relationships. Not only
did every single one of them end up in disaster, but they always
went through a prolonged death spiral before they reached
    In his experience, the first night with a
woman is almost always the best. After that first night is over
it’s all downhill. Emotions always seemed to get in the way of good
times, making sex less adventurous, less open, and less fun. The
way Josh sees it, emotions are a crutch, an unnecessary
circumstance of human interaction that eventually led to deceit and
despair. Which is why he is always looking for someone new to sleep
with. It’s hard to get emotionally attached to someone when you
only spent one night fucking their brains out in a variety of
nasty, perverted ways.
    That being said, there are a few women that
he visits semi-regularly. The women themselves vary quite a bit,
from an incredibly beautiful auburn-haired American movie star in
her mid-30’s to a tall, athletic, black-haired 25-year old
Brazilian volleyball player to a short, stacked blonde bombshell
pornstar that he’d met shortly after she turned 18. These women,
and a few more on his short-list, are all different in their looks
and personalities.
    But they all have three important things in
common with each other:
    First, each is an absolute freak in bed,
willing and able to get down and dirty and deviant and depraved at
the drop of a hat.
    Second, they are all mellow, kick-back women
with open schedules and no regard for the status quo or any of the
petty designations used by the majority of people in the world. In
other words, they are like Josh in this regard.
    Third—and most important, in Josh’s
mind—each of his regulars have a certain emotional aloofness that
allow them to avoid any sort of emotional bonds no matter how often
they got together. All of them are no more than fuck-buddies,
looking to get together when circumstances fell correctly, and none
have any desire—hidden or open—to ever be anything different.
    The rare few women who fit into these
categories are the only ones Josh visits with more than once. Even
then he rarely sees them more than two or three times a

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