An Orphan's Tale

An Orphan's Tale by Jay Neugeboren

Book: An Orphan's Tale by Jay Neugeboren Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jay Neugeboren
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Sol’s apartment and he watched through the window while Sol gave them graham crackers and milk. He said he was surprised the place was so small and didn’t have any decorations on the walls.
    He laughed, remembering how angry Sol was when he spotted him peering in over the windowsill. He remembered feeling that Sol would have whipped him with a strap if he could have! Sol’s brother took Charlie back to the Home in a taxi and they never mentioned the incident again.
    Charlie said he would have another surprise trip for me in a few days!
    Here are some other things Charlie does: He takes listings on new houses. He calls banks and insurance companies and mortgage brokers to get money for himself and other people. In the evenings he shows houses and telephones people. He doesn’t have a realtor’s license because he’s afraid to take the test, so Mrs. Mittleman does all his paper work.
    In the mornings sometimes we go over the birth and obituary columns in the local papers. People with more children need bigger homes. Widows and widowers want to move to smaller homes.
    In the afternoon he coaches the team. They play 6 man football in a league with 7 other private schools and they’ve won the championship every year since Charlie was coach.
    Every night Mr. Mittleman shows his movies and they talk business after.
    I like to drive into the city with Charlie when the light is just beginning before most people wake up. The city looks beautiful from the bridge. What I think about is how they get enough food into it every day, day after day, to feed 8 million people plus commuters.
    I said this to Charlie this morning and he told me he thinks about the exact same thing sometimes and that his conclusion is that it proves the city isn’t dying the way people say it is. He said if he still had his own family he would bring his children up in the city.
    Do you think about your daughter a lot? I asked.
    No, he said.
    But don’t you think about how she keeps changing and you’re not there to see the changes?
    He said he still sees her sometimes if he’s in her neighborhood and that he used to wonder about himself because he didn’t miss her, but he says he stopped wondering a few years ago. He sends money to his ex-wife every month and he’ll pay for college if Sandy goes there.
    The only thing I think about sometimes, he said, is that after she gets away from home and gets married and has a family, that maybe then we’ll be able to be pretty good friends. He asked me if I thought that sounded funny and I said it didn’t. He said he sees the scene in his head sometimes, of him visiting her and her husband and her children and of them having nice evenings together.
    Coming home he told me that Dr. Fogel used to make fun of him and ask him when he was going to learn to read. Who do you think you are—Rabbi Akiba? Dr. Fogel would say. He used to send him out of the classroom and tell him to return when he was 40 years old.
    What I imagined Dr. Fogel saying to him at the Home yesterday if Charlie walked into his classroom: GO HOME. YOU’RE 17 MONTHS EARLY!
    Charlie said a boy at the Home told him Dr. Fogel hasn’t been there for 4 weeks!
    I see Charlie yawning. A good place to stop. The end of a good day!
    Today we went to lunch for the 2nd time with the man from the city about Charlie’s big project. The man didn’t like me being with them but Charlie told him not to worry, that I was an orphan and didn’t understand things. The man looked at me and I gave him my blank look and then they talked business.
    What they’re going to do: Charlie has an option on residential land which will be rezoned so they can build a factory. He’ll sell the land to the city for an Industrial Renewal Project in a Model Cities Area. Then he’ll take the profits from the land and put it into the building at special low interest rates and the result will be what

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