America's Galactic Foreign Legion - Book 1: Feeling Lucky
world’s capital, tried for war crimes, and
most certainly executed,” warned #2.

    CHAPTER 12

    Year 2215. Military base #49, near Capital
City #1 of the Arthropoda Empire.

    Approximate computer translation of
Transcript of the Public Trial of Lieutenant Joey R. Czerinski, of
The United States Galactic Federation Foreign Legion, on charges
of: Murder, Genocide, Terrorism, Prisoner Abuse, Custodial Assault,
Criminal Conspiracy, Looting, Crimes Against Civilization and
Decency (Eating the Families of Habitat #40), Theft, Custodial
Gambling, and Extortion.

    Direct examination by Prosecutor Officer #1,
of Intelligentsia & State Security Officer #14:

    #1: Do you recognize the defendant,
Lieutenant Joey. R. Czerinski, also known as The Butcher of Planet
#6, which the human pestilence calls New Colorado?
    #2: Objection Your Excellency, the
prosecution is being inflammatory before even presenting any
    JUDGE: Sustained. The prosecution will
refrain from referring to the human pestilence as The Butcher of
New Colorado.
    #2: Your Excellency, I also object to my
client, Lieutenant Czerinski, being naked. Lieutenant Czerinski
says being naked makes him extremely uncomfortable, and I believe
it interferes with his ability to aid me in presenting an adequate
    #1: Lieutenant Czerinski fashioned his shirt
into a noose and attempted suicide. His clothes were taken to
prevent future suicide attempts. The defendant may still be
suffering from mental illness.
    #2: Lieutenant Czerinski says he was faking
the suicide attempt in order to gain attention to his stark living
conditions – no bed or bedding, no toilet, no sink, no shower ...
the list goes on and on.
    JUDGE: If we error, it is better to error on
the side of safety. I will not tell custodial staff how to do their
job. In light of his prior suicide attempt, the defendant will not
be given back his clothes.
    #2: Your Excellency, there are also the
potential political ramifications of depriving Lieutenant Czerinski
clothing. This trial is being broadcast live not only to our
public, but also to the human public. If human taboos concerning
nudity enrage the humans’ sensibilities, it might interfere with
ongoing truce negotiations. Do we want to risk a longer war?
    JUDGE: It was the military’s decision to
broadcast this trial. They can choose at any time to pull the plug
on transmitting. It is not for the court to tell the military what
the political consequences of their transmissions may be. Motion
denied, again. Witness, answer the question.
    #14: I first met Lieutenant Czerinski when he
and the other human pestilence in his platoon were captured and
brought to the detention center on Planet #6. I searched and
interviewed them.
    #1: With what results?
    #14: In their backpacks I found the partially
eaten legs and arms of juveniles. DNA testing linked these body
parts to missing juveniles, families, babies, and soldiers from
habitat #40. That habitat had been destroyed by two nuclear
explosions the day before. A search of the human pestilence also
found 329 identification crystals from the residents of Habitat
#40, three identification crystals from tunnel guard soldiers, and
one crystal from a shock troop commando.
    #1: And you asked Lieutenant Czerinski to
explain himself?
    #14: Yes. I asked Lieutenant Czerinski how he
was able to accumulate over 300 identification crystals without
taking even one prisoner, not even civilian families, juveniles, or
babies. Lieutenant was evasive and tried to divert our discussion
to the welfare of the human pestilence under his command. Our
discussion was cut short when I stepped too close to his cage and
he reached out striking at my throat. At the same time another
human pestilence stabbed me from behind. When I fell to the ground,
Lieutenant Czerinski struck at me again through the bars, but I
rolled away just in time. I almost died. Lieutenant Czerinski
stated that he would kill me if it was the last thing he did.
    #1: What

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