Amber's Ace
the scene on the TV.”
    “We had a connection, Amber. I felt it, too, even though I couldn’t see you. I heard you. I heard your mate call in my head, like you were right next to me, not thousands of miles away on the other side of a TV. ‘Mate.’ Knocked me for a loop and then knocked me on my ass. Literally.”
    “No, Riley.” She recoiled from him in horror, amber eyes wide as she placed her hands over her mouth. “I didn’t. I couldn’t have.”
    “Yes.” He tugged her hands away and kissed her, a kiss of passion and a kiss of bonding, cementing them together for all time. “Gee says it’s possible. That it’s how my grandfather claimed my grandmother. I think I sensed you needed me, needed my help and my protection. That I’d done an awful job of being your mate.”
    “Oh, no, Riley. You can’t take on any guilt for what happened to me.”
    “And you can’t take on any for what happened to me.”
    They stared at each other for long moments then he wrapped her securely in his arms, cuddling her, worshipping her.
    “I love you, Amber Northridge,” he growled. “I don’t give a fat flying damn how I got here to you. I only regret I didn’t get here sooner.”
    “And I love you, Riley Morgan, my magnificent mate. I’m sorry about your career, but I’m glad you’ve returned to Los Lobos. And I have you in my arms.”
    “Where I’ll stay, happy, forever.”
    “Both of us. At last. Safe at home.”

Matchmaker, Matchmaker, Make them a match…
    With Drew’s reign settling the hills, wolves are returning to the Black Hills. Wolves who need mates. The pack needs to grow, right?
    So four of the surviving matrons take it upon themselves to set up couples. Question is, how do these ladies decide who to match? Whichever unattached wolf they see first, from a list, or do they just draw a name from a bag?
    Their method doesn’t matter, but you can bet they’ll call in favors, make behind-the-scenes plans, and pull whatever strings or stunts required to put wolves together in the name of furthering the pack. And who knows? They might even set their sights on the cantankerous lone bear, Gee….
    Black Hills Wolves Matchmaker Subseries


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Another Chance by Taryn Kincaid

    Chapter One
    Summer repeated her mate’s name three times, each utterance a little louder. Hard to compete with the noise level rising from the soft rag rug she’d braided and knotted herself during her pregnancy, while enduring all the jokes the Tao pack—and the occasional member of the Goldspark feline clan—flung at her about “rug rats.”
    Brick lay flat on his back, the rug bunched beneath him on the polished, hardwood floor of the log cabin he’d turned into a luxurious forest lodge during his ten years of banishment from Los Lobos and the Black Hills Wolves. Clay and Autumn, their young pup and cub, sprawled across his muscular chest, having crazy fun practicing roaring and howling—and generally wrestling and roughhousing—with their dad. With every squeak and growl, the little ones got more insanely hysterical, their laughter so wild they shifted in and out of their animal forms like blinking neon signs.
    Bending down, Summer snatched up her squirming pup and plopped him naked into his playpen. The pen couldn’t hold either of her mischievous offspring, but she needed to grab her mate’s attention. He remained, as always, enthralled with their tiny family pack. Although he’d always protect them with his life, all hell could break loose

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