Always You
will ever be possible. But until Reddick is caught, I’ll be a worried about your safety.”
    “I wish it was over, too. And you’re right, I’ll never get over losing them the way we did.”
    “To be honest with you, Detective Clayton is planning to stop by in an hour or so. He has more to tell us.” I tilted my head, waiting for an explanation, because I knew he knew why the detective was coming over.
    “I’ll tell you what he told me last night—after you eat.” I moved to get up, but he held me down. “You can sit here and eat.” I could feel the stiff ridge of his erection pressing into my ass, so I wiggled a bit. “Damn it. You can have your own seat then.” He grasped my waist and lifted me off him, but I resisted.
    “Nope, you started it, and I happen to find this seat very comfortable.” I ground my ass into his lap, causing him to growl in my ear.
    “You’ll pay for that after he leaves.” I was fine with that because I was sure that after the detective left I was going to be an emotional wreck again.
    “Promise,” I said with a giant grin.
    By the time the detective came, I had told Cali everything I had learned from Detective Clayton. She was freaked out but shocked that they had managed to keep that from her.
    “I think it was because I was so out of it. I missed you so much that I barely noticed another human being. It would have been easy for him to get close to me. I think he was hoping that once I turned eighteen that I would finally be interested in him. The restraining order may have been the point when he realized I would never be his willingly.”
    “That sounds about right,” Detective Clayton said. “Now to the point of why I’m here. Lydia Reddick will need to be buried soon and the coroner has released the body. Besides her brother, does she have any other family members?”
    “No, she doesn’t. They were the only ones left in the family.” I knew it bothered Cali that Lydia had no one but us to morn her. I didn’t know her, but if she meant so much to Cali, I knew I would have liked her.
    The detective ran his hand through his hair, in nervous energy. “There’s more, isn’t there?” Cali asked.
    “Yes, there’s a lot more. We learned that she was pregnant. Only a month, but she was.”
    “What? She didn’t even have a boyfriend. Oh God, please tell me he didn’t rape her?”
    “No, he’s not the father. You need to read this. This was her diary. Her last entry will fill you in.”
    Today, I got the most terrible news possible. Rob is gone. I want to join him. I want to lie next to him and let him hold me for all eternity. He was everything to me. He owned every part of my soul. How can I survive without him?
    What is worse is that he’ll never know about our baby. Our baby. I couldn’t believe it. I was planning to tell him at Cali’s surprise birthday party, but it wasn’t going to happen.
    God. Why does it hurt so bad? My world is broken, and I don’t know how to make it right. Mark just came back, breaking the news to me, but something in me felt it. I knew that he was gone before he told me. What’s worse is that Mark seemed like he could give two shits that they were gone. That my Rob was gone. I thought we would have our happily ever after, but it wasn’t to be. I hope that Cali gets it with Alex. Rob talked about how nuts Alex was for her.
    I knew Rob loved me as much as I loved him. He told me every time we snuck a moment alone. I still have the ring he gave me that night. I wasn’t supposed to wear it until I told Cali about us, but I waited too long. I wanted the world to know that Rob and I belonged together.
    Why? I can’t take the pain. Even with every tear shed, I can’t seem to heal inside enough to care for this baby. I hope Cali doesn’t hate me because I need her more than she could ever know. I knew that night with Rob was forbidden, but I loved him with everything that I had and I could never regret it. I have to love and

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