Always with You (WIth You Trilogy)

Always with You (WIth You Trilogy) by R. J. Sable Page A

Book: Always with You (WIth You Trilogy) by R. J. Sable Read Free Book Online
Authors: R. J. Sable
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    I laughed and gave him a hug before following him bac k downstairs to the lounge.
    “So are we allowed to talk to your sister now, Jake?” Ginger Sam goaded.
    I felt Jake stiffen next to me and decided to head him off before he could turn into a hothead again.
    “Of course you are,” I smiled. “Right, Jake?” I hit him playfully on the thigh and he responded by hitting me back and almost giving me a dead leg.
    “Shit, I didn’t mean that, Jelly,” he panicked, watching me rub my sore thigh.
    “Relax, Jake,” I reassured him. “I don’t think it counts if I start it.”
    “Doubt Ian would give a shit,” he said bitterly.
    “What do you mean by that?” I frowned.
    “Nothing.” He shrugged it off.
    I could tell it wasn’t “nothing” but he still looked pissed and I’d already lucked out by calming him down once and I wasn’t willing to risk my luck a second time.
    He did eventually calm down when the two Sams promised to buy him beer and a burger that night. They clearly knew Jake well. With his mood improved, he fetched his guitar and started fiddling with it whilst we watched MTV.
    “So, Xander,” Jake grinned mischievously. “My baby sister giving you any trouble?”
    I shot him an irritated glare which just made him grin more broadly.
    “She’s pocket-sized.” Xander raised an eyebrow, clearly under the impression that I couldn’t cause him any problems.
    I glared at Xander but bit back a retort because it didn’t seem worth it.
    “Good point,” Jake grinned, nudging me with his elbow.
    I ignored him and tried to feign massive interest in MTV and think about Jason.
    “So, is Ian paying you or something?” Jake continued.
    He always did have a big mouth. I felt my cheeks burning and elbowed Jake back, silently pleading with him to shut up.
    “I mean, why are you doing this?” Jake pressed when Xander ignored his question.
    “Owe Ian a favour,” Xander shrugged again. The same answer I’d heard before.
    “What for?” Jake continued
    “Jake!” I snapped. “That’s none of our business.” He knew that Ian liked to keep his work private. Ian would be annoyed if he knew Jake was trying to dig around in his life.
    “She’s right,” Xander frowned, giving Jake an angry stare which was about on par with the ones the twins gave us when we pissed them off. Unfortunately for Xander, Jake was pretty much immune to glares like that . Water off a duck’s back.
    “What? Did you two pinky swear on it or something?” Jake goaded. “Did your periods synch up and shit?”
    “Jake, that’s enough,” I said anxiously.
    To my surprise, Xander actually laughed.
    “You’re a lot like your brother,” Xander chuckled, quickly pulling his face back into its former expressionless form. “He saved my life.”
    “Really?” Jake and I both asked, our interest peaking.
    Xander nodded. “Took a bullet for me.”
    “Woah,” Jake’s eyes widened, both impressed and horrified.
    “Ian’s scar,” I whispered, more to myself than anyone else. I hated that scar on his chest. It was a reminder that Ian wasn’t the invincible superhero I’d thought he was as a child.
    Xander nodded again, his expression still impassive. “Least I can do to keep you safe whilst he’s gone.”
    There was an awed silence in the room as the idea that Ian had almost sacrificed his life for a friend sank in.
    “Thanks,” I said eventually, because what else could I say?
    “Surprised Ian didn’t tell you,” Xander shrugged.
    “He doesn’t talk about work much,” Jake explained.
    “And I didn’t find out about you until ten minutes before you arrived,” I added.
    Another nod, he may even have showed a little contemplation before becoming impassive again.
    “Guess that explains why you were kind of a bitch,” Xander shrugged.
    “Watch your fucking mouth,” Jake scowled, standing up in front of Xander before I had a chance to think.
    I was completely caught off guard by his insult. I knew he

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