Always Room for Cupcakes

Always Room for Cupcakes by Bethany Lopez

Book: Always Room for Cupcakes by Bethany Lopez Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bethany Lopez


    On autopilot, I took pictures as I walked through the trees, rounding the bend and getting closer to the couple in front of me.
    I couldn’t take my eyes off of them.
    A bear could literally stop next to me to shit in the woods, and I still wouldn’t be able to peel my eyes away from the sight of Cade’s dark head leaning down to the cokehead’s fair one.
    Pain clawed at my insides, yet still I moved on, shutter clicking away as I documented the worst moment of my life.
    Now, that may seem a tad dramatic. I had, after all, caught my husband eating out a skank in his car; however, in this moment, I would swear to anyone who asked that I’d never felt this betrayed. This hurt .
    Until the next moment, when the sound of Cade’s voice reached my ears.
    “C’mon, darlin’, let’s go inside.”
    Like a kick to the gut, I felt that darlin’ like a steel-toed boot.
    Inadvertently I gasped, then slid deeper in the woods when Cade’s head came up and scanned the trees.
    “ Fuck ,” I whispered, peeking through the branches and letting out a deep breath when I saw him guiding her toward the building, his hand on her lower back.
    “That son of a bitch,” I seethed as I headed back to my car. I knew I wouldn’t get any closer to what I assumed was the MC compound than I already had. And even if I could, I wasn’t sure my heart could withstand the sight of what Cade and that bleached-blonde bitch were bound to be doing once they got inside.
    I’d just opened my car door when it slammed shut.
    My heart pounding in terror, I turned to see Cade standing above me. Forgetting what I’d just seen, I was about to sigh in relief that it was him and not some other scary biker, when he growled, “What the fuck are you doing here?”
    That put my back up.
    “ What the fuck am I doing ? What the fuck are you doing, you dirty lying prick?” I asked, putting my hands to his chest and shoving with all my might.
    He didn’t move an inch.
    “Calm down, get in your car, and get the fuck out of here. I’ll be by later,” he said, his face inches from mine.
    “Oh, hell no, ” I seethed, literally seeing red for the first time in my life.
    I’d always wondered what that expression meant. Now I knew.
    “Hell, yes , Lila, get out of here. You’ll fuck everything up if anyone sees you,” he said, his face softening as he lifted his hand to touch me.
    I flinched and he dropped his hand.
    “Why should I believe anything you say?”
    “Because you can trust me.”
    “ Bullshit ,” I replied softly, my rage quickly turning to devastation. I had to get out of there before I embarrassed myself by blubbering all over his chest. “I’m going , but I’m leaving because I don’t want to be anywhere near you, not because you told me to.”
    “Whatever gets you out of here,” he replied, pissing me off again. “I’ll be by later.”
    “Don’t be … I won’t let you in.”
    Cade didn’t reply, he just waited until I got in my car and started down the lane, then he turned and headed back toward the compound. I only knew that, because I couldn’t stop myself from watching him in the rearview mirror.
    “ Stupid, stupid men ,” I muttered as I drove back to town. Then I screamed a bunch of much nastier things in Cade’s honor, with the windows rolled down and the music blaring through my speakers. “Fucking, mother-fucking, dick-sucking, lying, asshole…”
    You get the idea.
    I did not go home, I did not pass go, I drove straight to Amy May’s and walked into the back door of the bakery.
    “Uh-oh,” Amy May said when she looked up and saw my tear-ravaged, rage-filled face.
    I didn’t reply, instead I headed into her office and threw myself down on her flower-patterned love seat.
    A few minutes later, I heard Amy May’s footsteps and thrust my hand out without looking up. Once it was filled with a cupcake, I pulled it back and dove in to the fudgy goodness.
    She got me a fudge cupcake with dark

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