of that camo.


    “Yeah?” Nic said watching the channels as they zoomed by.

    “Have you ever thought about having kids? I mean, when you get married?”

    “Aw,” Nic handed the remote to Grace, “Wanna try it?” she said to Grace as she turned to Claire. “Well yeah, I mean I always thought eventually I would have kids and a family. I just haven’t found the right person to make that kind of a commitment to.” Nic hoped that she was being vague enough in her answer.

    “You’re great with Grace. I can see you with a whole pack of kids.”

    “Well, I don’t know about a pack, but at least one or two.” Nic watched as Claire finished clearing the table. She swallowed hard when Claire bent over the table to wipe up crumbs and her jeans pulled tight across a very nice and firm ass.

    “I think you’re gonna make a great mom, but that’s just my opinion.”

    “Thanks.” Nic decided to let the conversation end there. She didn’t want to have to start explaining things about her life and she definitely didn’t want to have that conversation with Claire when the sight of Claire cleaning the kitchen table turned her on.

    Nic sat on the couch with Grace, the little girl cuddling next to her, and she wondered again what life would be like when she had a family of her own. She had always liked kids. In fact, she was the neighborhood babysitter when she was younger. She often spent at least one or two days a week watching a few of the neighbor kids while their parents went bowling or to dinner. She liked them and they liked her. She had a way with them, probably because she was the oldest of her siblings. It was an easier way to make a few bucks babysitting than mowing yards or washing cars. Not that she didn’t do that too, but she liked babysitting much better. She looked down at Grace and wondered if she was partial to boys or girls. It was something she had never really thought about too much. If she had boys she could teach them how to play ball, skateboard or ride a bike, but then she realized she would teach a girl to do all of those things too. It didn’t really matter to Nic whether she had boys or girls, as long as they were healthy.

    Nic jumped when she heard a scream come out of the bathroom. Running, she practically ran into Claire, who was walking out of the bathroom sopping wet from the top of her head to her shoulders. Nic tried to peer under the wet hair that covered Claire’s face.

    “Are you ok? What happened?”

    “Oh, I don’t know. Someone pulled the plug up on the faucet and the shower was active when I went to pour Grace’s bath.”

    “Look, I don’t remember pulling anything when I went to sit on the tub. Really,” said Nic, pleading, but also beginning to laugh. It was clear that Claire was pissed but Nic couldn’t help herself. Claire looked like a drowned rat and was dripping all over the floor in her haste to find the culprit who had pulled the lever.

    “REALLY, I’m sure you don’t know who did this, do you?” Claire said as she inched closer and closer to Nic who was now backed against the wall of the bathroom, nearly doubled over with laughter.

    “So you think this is funny, do you?”

    Moving into Nic she buried her wet hair into Nic’s chest and began rubbing the soaking wet mess all over Nic’s upper body. She grabbed Nic’s shoulders and pulled their bodies together to make sure that Nic couldn’t get away from the wet mess that she was creating. Laughing, she continued her onslaught even though Nic was now begging her, through great gulps of laughter, to stop.

    Nic wrapped her arms around Claire to stop her from doing any more damage to her already wet t-shirt, and to keep her head from brushing against her breasts any further. Nic felt Claire’s breasts make contact with her upper body as she moved back and forth. Holding Claire tighter she could feel her own nipples harden at the contact between them. She stood there with Claire in

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