Always Been You

Always Been You by Tracy Luu

Book: Always Been You by Tracy Luu Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tracy Luu
Apparently, they were afraid of Matt. He was floundering around the room, his hips gyrating to the upbeat music blaring in the background.
    “I’m ashamed to be related to him right now,” said Jacob with a dramatic sigh. Suddenly, he grinned. “Hey, look behind you.”
    I spun my head and understood why he had to smile. Devon and Nikki were eyeing each other appreciatively from opposite ends of the room.
    “Do you think they realise they’re making goo-goo eyes at each other in front of everyone?” Jacob said with a soft chuckle.
    “No, and let’s not embarrass them,” I scolded quietly.
    “Will it change your mind if I told you he’s liked her since last summer?” he grinned which earned him a punch in the arm. “Hey! What was that for?”
    “How come you never mentioned this to me?”
    “Devon swore me not to tell,” he said. “Even if Alex and Matt already suspect something, don’t you go and tell the others. He’ll murder me if anyone found out I mentioned this. But now that you do know, care to make a wager on when they’ll get their act together?”
    “Not interested,” I muttered, ignoring his outstretched hand.
    “Why not?”
    “Because I know you’ll find a way to cheat so you can win.”
    “You wound me deeply, Jenna,” he said, pretending to stab his chest. “Oh, hey, Nikki.”
    “Hi, Jacob,” she said, giving both of us a small smile. “Jenna, can I talk to you?”
    Without waiting for an answer, she grabbed my arm and yanked me towards the couch.
    “What’s the hurry?” I asked her.
    “I need to tell you something away from eavesdroppers,” she said, looking at Jacob, who was breaking out in laughter. “Out of the girls, you’re the only one I know who can keep a secret, and I need to get this off my chest before I go crazy.”
    “So tell me what it is before you do,” I grinned.
    “This is not a joking matter, Jenna,” she said tersely.
    “Sorry. So what is it?”
    “I’m having issues every time I see…”
    “Devon,” I concluded. “I saw how you guys were looking at each other just now.”
    “Oh, my gosh!” Nikki’s eyes went wide. “Did anyone else see?”
    “It doesn’t look that way,” I said, surveying the room. “So how come you’re having issues with Devon?”
    “I get all flustered, tongue-tied…you name it, I’ve got it,” she sighed. “I like him and all, but I’m not really sure if he likes me back.”
    “Why would you say that?”
    “If you or Jacob aren’t around, sometimes we have trouble with a normal conversation,” she explained. “How do you manage to deal with your emotions when you’re around Jacob?”
    “It isn’t as simple as it looks,” I said. “It took almost two years for our friendship to get back to normal. I even had to test myself to see if I could handle being around Jacob.”
    “But you look so at ease with each other.”
    “It’s because I’ve already told myself we will never happen. I know we are all destined to have a soul mate, but if it’s not him, and he’s only meant to be a friend, I wouldn’t have it any other way. But aren’t we getting a bit sidetracked here? I thought we’re supposed to be talking about your situation, not mine.”
    “Then what should I do?”
    “All I can tell you is that things will turn out fine. Just be yourself and try not to worry or be too nervous around him.”
    “I wish it were that simple.”
    Before I could say anything else, Jacob appeared, sat down next to me, and passed me one of the cups in his hands. I sniffed the drink.
    “It’s not like what you gave me,” he muttered.
    “What did she give you?” Nikki asked him.
    “A blowjob,” he sighed.
    “You know, Jacob, I thought a guy would be pleased when a girl gives him a blowjob,” smirked Nikki.
    “Not that kind, you idiot,” I said quickly. “It was a drink I made for him.”
    “Are you sure ab—?”
    “So what are you two talking about?” interjected Jacob, looking a little

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