Alpha One:  The Kronan

Alpha One: The Kronan by Chris Burton

Book: Alpha One: The Kronan by Chris Burton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chris Burton
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    “Okay. Let’s cut the crap. We are here to simulate how to get the hell out of this pile of shit while trying to keep a bloody Hunter flying on ion drive only. I am in command, so just let’s get on with it. I have no wish to be in this hunk of junk with the man who stole my girlfriend. For the record, I still intend to take this matter up with you properly offline.”
    “What’s stopping you from doing it here Steve? You and I both know that we can keep these Kryl at bay, using ion bursts and the correct intermix calculations. We should talk and try to clear the air.”
    “Who are you trying to kid? You stole my woman, you asshole and you did it right under my nose. How long had you been screwing before Carla finally decided to dump me?”
    “We didn’t get together until sometime after she split up with you. I was with Maria, remember.”
    “You are supposed to be my best mate. What makes you think you can just come along and steal Carla from me. We were meant to be together, we were going to get married.”
    “And live happily ever after! Steve, she just ran out of love for you. I was not even on the scene and I certainly did not pursue her. She came after me and it was long after you two had split up for Christ sake!”
    Two Kryl vessels drew to within range. Jake as copilot was seeking the best option for a standoff. He had already tried to boost the plasma cannon reserves, but turned his attention to the NAVCOM, which was fried. He needed to realign the power lines to the backup navigation computer. Tricky, because it involved uncoupling the hunters control fascia, just when his pilot needed it the most. The navigation computer though was hypercritical. If they could get it back online, they could lock the ship on course and both then concentrate on boosting power reserves. The Kryl ships were firing at them now.
    “Engage what cannon reserves we have. We need to take at least one out, before we worry overly about the NAVCOM.”
    “Negative. We need the navigation online. Allow them to get a little closer and I’ll try a Teutonic implosion between them.”
    “No Jake! As pilot, I am in command. Use the plasma cannons to take out the forward Kryl.”
    “We are supposed to work together on this Steve!”
    Jake sighed and admitted defeat, realizing that the pilot had temporarily diverted missile controls to his station. Jake had no choice, but to use plasma bursts to take out the Kryl ships. He used the manual rear view screen to bring the lead Kryl ship into range and let out three two-second bursts of plasma fire. The first two missed, the last was bang on target and the Kryl ship rocked from the impact and lost ground, narrowly missing the second Kryl fighter as its pilot slowed to recover his balance.
    “A Teutonic now, would help!” shouted Jake.
    Steve was in accord and launched two missiles directly into the path of the second Kryl vessel. The two Kryl ships exploded.
    “We are still being pursued by four more, but they are some distance back. I’ll revert to the NAVCOM, if that’s all right with you. Can you look at a power boost for the plasma cannons?”
    Before Steve could answer. The screens in front of him and his visor went dead and the Hunter was pitched into complete darkness.
    “What the hell? This does not look like part of the simulation.”
    A voice from outside the simulator confirmed Steve’s suspicions.
    “Sorry you guys in there. The simulator has gone done. Problem with the power source. You’re stuck in there for the time being, but we should have you out shortly.”
    “Bloody typical. Another simulator failure and this time I am stuck in here with my worst enemy!”
    “Oh come of it Steve. We used to be best mates. We need to talk and sort out our differences.”
    “Or we could just sit in silence, or we could fight it out!”
    “Is that really what you want?”
    “Okay. Tell me what really happened.”
    “I told you. It happened after you and Carla split up. I

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