Allegiance Sworn

Allegiance Sworn by Kylie Griffin

Book: Allegiance Sworn by Kylie Griffin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kylie Griffin
Tags: Romance
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your mating ceremony before the Enclave.”
    She glanced up sharply. “My what?”
    Was Savyr’s intention to mate her common knowledge?
    “Your mating ceremony.” The gleam in Yur’s purple gaze brightened. “Petitions have been submitted.”
    A shiver prickled the skin across her back. Her worst nightmare would be made real if she were mated to a male who cared for little other than the title of Clan
and the power of leadership. Her parents had shared a rare partnership. One she dreamed of finding for herself—someday—but not if she was forced to accept a mate of Savyr’s choosing.
    Fear spurted through her veins before she could stop the sensation. She clamped down on it before her scent betrayed her. Yur would hone in on it like a
scenting blood and relish in the knowledge of having unsettled her.
    “Without consulting me?” She only just managed to keep panic from her voice.
    Who had approached Savyr? They had to have his approval, a loyal lap-
, or the
would never have accepted any petition.
    “It’s been five years,
Kaal. More than enough time to find a worthy male.” She ground her teeth together at the unsubtle reminder. “You’re a desirable female with strong bloodlines, so it’s not a lack of interest from suitors. Yet you’ve rejected every
lord who’s approached you.” His gaze glittered, and locked with hers. “Patience has worn thin.”
    His hardening tone and direct statement confirmed that the process was a mere formality. Savyr had already proven the lengths he’d go to possess Kaal territory. Ordering her compliance shouldn’t come as a surprise. So what if the Enclave would serve to announce and validate her mated status? The decision didn’t change her original plans.
    “The earlier date also allows him to host a Clan Challenge to celebrate your upcoming mating ceremony.” Yur’s mouth curved upward. “He invites you to officiate the formal events with him.”
    A frisson of unease scraped along her spine. She hadn’t anticipated something like this. Something so
    Presiding over the contests with Savyr would give others the impression she welcomed the mating. Yet to refuse would draw the
wrath down upon her sooner.
    “There will also be an after-games banquet, the
gift to you and your future mate.” Yur waited, watching her from beneath his hooded gaze.
    The image of a ground-scurrier trapped by the glinting gaze of a scale-winder flitted through her mind. Even though she knew the day would come, her skin still chilled and goose bumped. Instead of heeding the instinct to flee, just as the small animal would, it was time to stare the predator down.
    Gently, Imhara placed the missive on her desk. She drew in a slow, even breath to ease the heat of temper in her veins and to calm the fingers of fear squeezing her heart. Yur’s scent reeked with woodsy anticipation, and the way he propped his arm along the back of the lounge, his long fingers stroking the nap of the fabric, only reinforced that impression.
honors my House.” The words tasted like funeral ash in her mouth.
    “Indeed.” The smug smile widened until she could see the tips of his pointed teeth. “Will Rassan be accompanying you to this Enclave?”
    “Of course.”
    She almost missed the stirring deep within his gaze. The skin on the nape of her neck prickled.
    “Then I look forward to seeing your Second defend his title at the games.”
    Was he disappointed Rassan was attending or did he want him there? And if so, why? She made a note to warn her friend of Yur’s interest. Nothing good would come of it, whatever the reason.
    Movement near the door and a throat being cleared interrupted them. Imhara looked over, surprised she’d forgotten about the third presence in the room. Shock washed through her at the sight of Arek standing there holding a tray, but more pertinently, his state of undress and bowed head.

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