All the Shiny Things: A Kate Reid Novel (Kate Reid Series Book 1)

All the Shiny Things: A Kate Reid Novel (Kate Reid Series Book 1) by Robin Mahle

Book: All the Shiny Things: A Kate Reid Novel (Kate Reid Series Book 1) by Robin Mahle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Robin Mahle
“Please understand that I do want to marry you and I do want to plan this wedding. But you have to let me do what I need to do to move on. We’ve agreed to continue the therapy and this is just another extension of my therapy. I need you to see that.”
    His expression softened. “Okay, you’re right, Katie. I’m sorry. I’m trying to get through this as well and I should be more supportive. If you can handle working on a case in addition to everything else, then I have no right to question it.”
    “Thank you, Spencer. This has changed me; who I thought I was and who I want to be, but it hasn’t changed how much I love you.”

    A brief team meeting between Katie and Jennifer began as they sat in Richard’s office, reviewing the workload while Katie assists on the Thompson case. After the meeting, the women returned to their cubicles and Katie began gathering a few of her belongings. The move downstairs would take place in the coming hours.
    “Why the sudden interest in victim assistance cases?” Jennifer leaned on the cubicle wall, waiting for a reply.
    “I guess I just want to be a little more hands-on, you know? Get involved in directly helping a victim. We do so much paperwork and fundraising and I know all that matters, but I want to see a more direct impact. I want to make a difference.”
    For the first time, Katie felt her response was genuine; that she’d actually been able to identify a clear reason. It might not have been the entire reason, but it certainly was part of it and was enough to make Jennifer understand.
    “Well, good luck, Katie, and I mean that. I know it’s going to be a little more hectic around here, but honestly, it’s nothing I can’t handle.”
    “I know that, Jen. Believe me, I won’t forget what you’re doing. It means more to me than you could know.”
    An email came across and Katie turned to her computer. “I’ll catch up with you before I head down.” On opening the email, she discovered it was a meeting request from Susan, her new temporary boss. Katie was asked to attend a meeting scheduled by the District Attorney’s office today at 1 o’clock.
    Not only would this be her official introduction to Susan, but it would also be her introduction to the Thompson case.
    Katie placed her few personal items into a small box and headed to meet her new boss. With the box propped against her waist, Katie stood in front of Susan’s office. “Is there any place you’d like me to sit?”
    “Katie, welcome. Come on, I’ve got a place already set up for you.” Susan moved around her desk to shake the hand of her newest assistant.
    It was a pleasant surprise to find that she would be given an office. This wasn’t exactly a promotion and she certainly hadn’t been given a raise. Since the department was shorthanded, she assumed space must be plentiful and this was close to Susan’s office, which was probably the real reason for the upgrade.
    Susan handed over a flash drive. “The meeting starts in an hour. Why don’t you have a look at the correspondence files, then meet me in the conference room. I’d like you to sit in on this one and meet everyone. You’ll be taking minutes as well.”
    “Okay. Thank you.” She took the flash drive and loaded it up on her computer.
    An hour later, Katie was the first one to arrive in the conference room. Everyone involved with the Thompson case would be there; from the police detectives, to the District Attorney’s office, and the supervisor in charge of the case for the Advocacy Group. It was their second meeting and was the first one in which Katie would be involved.
    Her nerves were on edge as she sat waiting patiently, pen and paper in hand.
    The second to arrive was Detective Marshall Avery of the San Diego Police Department. He introduced himself and extended his hand to Katie. It appeared weathered beyond what she assumed his years to be. His face was lined, more from stress, she thought,

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