All That the Heart Desires

All That the Heart Desires by June Moonbridge Page A

Book: All That the Heart Desires by June Moonbridge Read Free Book Online
Authors: June Moonbridge
Tags: Fantasy
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myself into his embrace. I threw myself on his mercy.
    Only for a moment, he stood frozen. I knew my sudden change in action had surprised him. He hadn’t expected it, yet he managed to regain his composure and, not a second later, his lips were seeking mine. Although his kiss was hard at first, it softened when he realised I was not pushing him away.
    Suddenly, the realisation of what I was doing hit me hard. What exactly was I doing? I tried to move away from him, but his embrace closed around me. I had nowhere to go from that point on. I was his, yet I was not sure if he was mine. After he deepened his kiss, I pushed away all thoughts of escape and decided to enjoy the moment.
    I was ecstatic. His kisses didn’t stop and I didn’t want them to stop. They were full of passion. I’d longed for his kisses since that first one in the perfumery.
    Somehow I managed to run my hands through his hair. It was soft and silky although still slightly wet.
    For a moment I stood still and when his grip loosened a little, I leaned away from him, just enough to reach for my hair pins and take them out. My thick, long, red hair fell down from my neck over my back.
    He watched me shake my hair out then moved his hands slowly through it. The feeling was incredible. It’d been a long time since anyone had done that. He took my face in his hands again and I kissed him back with a force of passion I had forgotten I had in me.
    I felt his hands moving down the length of my body and soon they were on my hips. I was unable to think of anything else but how good it felt to have his hands on me. But he didn’t stop there. Every inch of my skin was ready to be touched by those hands and wherever his hands touched me, my skin burned as though on fire. His fingertips scorched my skin.
    I clenched his upper arms. The muscles were tense and hard. As a race driver, he needed to be fit and I could now feel now with my own hands just how fit he actually was. As far as I could see, he was perfect.
    It had been such a long time since I’d felt desired that I was unable to think.
    Eager to touch him, my hands slipped under his half-buttoned tight shirt. He shuddered with desire. The unexpected shudder did what I was unable to do … Three buttons that held his shirt together opened. At that precise moment I felt the heat of his body.
    I pushed the shirt from his shoulders and for only a moment his lips stopped kissing me. He stepped away from me and let the shirt fall on the floor. He looked magnificent. His torso was slightly covered with curly chest hair and, without thinking, I touched him. Touching him was a remarkable feeling.
    We were watching each other. We couldn’t take our eyes off one another. I knew I must have looked hungry, and I was hungry for his touch. Hungry for love. His love. The expression on his face matched my own. I had never known that I could raise so much passion in anyone.
    He held my hands in his. They were warm. Enchanted, I watched him as he lifted them, gently turning them around and kissing the inner part of my wrists. All I could do was close my eyes and give in to the feelings that threatened to engulf me.
    He was gentle when he took me in his embrace again. His lips touched my forehead, my cheeks, and very slowly he moved down my throat to my collarbone. His kisses were stopped only by the neckline of my shirt.
    When he moved away from me I instinctively knew what would happen next. He looked into my eyes and I became breathless. All those kisses left an indelible trace on my skin and on my mind. His hands left mine and he began to unbutton my shirt.
    His movements were slow, deliberate and passionate. I felt his fingers trembling as he undid each button. His eyes never left mine. Slowly, he removed my shirt and his big hands were gentle, like a feather on my skin. When my shirt fell to the floor, I stood in front of him in my white lacy bra. He continued to stare deeply into my eyes.
    His breathing was deep and I knew

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