All That Lives Must Die

All That Lives Must Die by Eric Nylund Page A

Book: All That Lives Must Die by Eric Nylund Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eric Nylund
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nearly every book in existence.”
    Fiona was drawn to the building. So many things she didn’t know . . . she could probably spend the rest of her life happily reading in there.
    Dante, however, veered away and led them through rose gardens in full bloom.
    Fiona inhaled and felt drunk with the overwhelming perfume of flowers.
    “Constantine’s Court of God’s Peace,” Dante continued, “was infiltrated by Immortals and secretly used to preserve the ancient Pagan ways. The League of Immortals, Infernals, and mortal magical families declared the Court a neutral asset, and since then, the Court continued on in various incarnations. In 1642, it officially became Paxington University in Oxford, England. And at the beginning of the twentieth century, for tax considerations, the campus was finally moved to San Francisco.”
    Jeremy brazenly plucked an heirloom rose and presented it to Jezebel.
    She turned her back on him, ignoring the gesture.
    Dante led their group out of the garden.
    Jeremy sighed and tossed the flower away.
    That was destruction of school property. How could a person like Jeremy effortlessly break all the rules—while Fiona would have been caught just thinking about it?
    They marched into a grove of towering black oaks, redwood, silver birches, shimmering aspens, and willows. A cobblestone path meandered and branched through this peculiar forest.
    “Here,” Dante said, and waved at the trees, “is the Grove Primeval. The Paxington Arboreal Society imported famous trees from all over the world, many on the verge of being cut down, and replanted them here for safekeeping.” He nodded at a few—“the Hangman of London, the Lady in Mourning, Walking Still Spirit”—and then he moved on.
    Ahead Fiona saw a building that looked like the Colosseum in Rome, but a tad smaller, and square instead of oval.
    Dante continued his lecture “The Paxington campus appears to the outside world as a prestigious but ordinary private high school. In reality, however, it is where many of the next generation of the world’s magical families are trained.” He gave an appreciative nod toward Jezebel. “As well as the occasional honor of having a diabolical protégée or Immortal offspring.”
    Chill bumps pebbled Fiona’s arms. Dante hadn’t looked anywhere near her when he said this, but it seemed he actually made a point of not looking her way. Did he know who she was?
    She wanted him to know. She wanted all of them to know.
    Just to get a fraction of the attention that Jezebel was getting . . . but there were those League rules, and Fiona knew they wouldn’t take her breaking their rules lightly. But hadn’t her father said that “everything was made to be broken . . . especially rules ” ?
    She knew she was in trouble if she was even thinking about taking Louis’s advice.
    “This is where you’ll have gym class,” Dante said as they approached the archway leading into the coliseum. “The Ludus Magnus.” 11
    9 . Scarab beetles bury dung balls for later use, which is invaluable, as this removes pest habitat and returns nutrients to the soil. The scarab in hieroglyphics translates as “to come into being,” conveying ideas of transformation and resurrection in ancient Egyptian religion and art. Given that the freshman year of the Post twins is cited as their key transformative year, mythohistorians have debated the symbolism, and the coincidence, of their having the scarab as their team symbol. Gods of the First and Twenty-first Century, Volume 11, The Post Family Mythology. Zypheron Press Ltd., Eighth Edition.
    10 . Emperors Constantine and Licinius in 313 C.E. created the Edict of Milan, declaring the Roman Empire neutral to all religions (this to reverse persecution of early Christians). The Edict was later ignored as Constantine heavily favored Christians with his policies, laws, and appointments. Gods of the First and Twenty-first Century, Volume 2, Divine Inspirations. Zypheron Press Ltd.,

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