All She Wants For Christmas

All She Wants For Christmas by Paige Tyler Page B

Book: All She Wants For Christmas by Paige Tyler Read Free Book Online
Authors: Paige Tyler
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girls have all done it, I'm
jealous," she said. "So, tell me what it's like."
    Her friends all
looked at each other as much as if to say "Who wants to go first?" After a moment, Genevieve finally spoke.
    "The first time
I got spanked was my sophomore year in college," she said. "It was my birthday
and my boyfriend Brad was taking me out to dinner to celebrate..."
    Genevieve was just trying to decide which top to
wear with the cute new mini-skirt she'd bought at the mall that afternoon when
Brad knocked on the door. Glancing at
her watch, she was stunned to see that it was already almost seven o'clock. Her
boyfriend did have a thing about being prompt, she thought. Which
sometimes made her wonder how they ever got together in the first place, since
she was always running late. Hanging the top that she'd been thinking
about wearing back in the closet, she hurried across her dorm room to answer
the door.
    Dressed in slacks and a sport coat, and looking like
he'd just stepped off a fashion runway somewhere, Brad looked as gorgeous as he
always did, and Genevieve felt her pulse skip a beat at the sight of him.
Taking a step closer, she went up on tiptoe to greet him with a kiss.
    "You're early," she said when she drew away.
    "Apparently," he said, taking in her half-naked form
    Not the shy type, Genevieve didn't mind
walking around in a bra and panties in front of her boyfriend. He had seen her naked before, after all. She threw
him a quick glance over her shoulder as she crossed the room to her closet.
"I'm still trying to decide what I want to wear," she said.
    "Well, you'd better decide fast," her boyfriend
said. "Our reservation is at eight, and it takes almost an hour to get to the
    Genevieve nodded as she put on her skirt, but ten
minutes later, she still hadn't picked out a top. Even though the skirt was a
simple black one, she couldn't seem to find anything to wear with it. Annoyed
with herself for not buying a top to match, she put her hands on her hips and
let out a loud sigh of frustration. Maybe her roommate would have something she
could borrow.
    "Just wear anything," Brad told her, not bothering
to hide the impatience from his voice.
    She whirled around to glare at him. "I can't just
wear anything!" she told him. "It has to match!"
    He lifted a brow. "You're wearing a black skirt,
Genevieve," he said dryly. "Everything goes with black. Besides you always look
beautiful in whatever you wear."
    Muttering something insulting about men and their
lack of fashion sense under her breath, Genevieve started to turn back to the
closet when Brad caught her arm and turned her around to face him.
    "I was going to do this after we got back," he said.
"But I don't think it can wait."
    Her brow furrowed as he led her across the small
dorm room. "Brad, what are you ...?" she began, only to
let out a startled little gasp when he sat down on the bed and put her over his
immediately tried to push herself up, but a strong hand on her back held her in
place, and she could do no more than lay there with her head hanging down and
her bottom up in the air while her boyfriend scolded her.
    "I was just going to give you a playful birthday
spanking, but considering that you've made me sit here and wait for so long, I
think you need a good, sound spanking instead," he told her sternly.
    Her dark eyes went wide as she felt him push up her
skirt. A spanking? She'd never been spanked in her
life! Not even on her birthday!
    Lifting one hand to rest it against his muscular
thigh, she craned her neck to look at him over her shoulder. "Brad, wait..."
    But her boyfriend's hand was already coming down on
her upturned bottom. Smack!
    " Owwwww !" she yelped.
" Brad, that hurt!"
    He brought his hand down on her other cheek, harder
this time. "Spankings are supposed to hurt, Genevieve," he said. "That's how
you learn from them."
    She opened her mouth to protest, only to let out
another loud yelp as he spanked

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