All She Wants For Christmas

All She Wants For Christmas by Paige Tyler Page A

Book: All She Wants For Christmas by Paige Tyler Read Free Book Online
Authors: Paige Tyler
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words. She wasn't the only one staring at the
blond-haired girl in disbelief, either. Lyndsay ,
Monica, and Genevieve all looked just as surprised by the other girl's
    "You have to be
kidding," Monica said.
shrugged. "What can I say? There's just
something that turns me on at the thought of being bound and helpless and
totally at my lover's mercy."
    Hayley could
only gaze at the other girl in wonder. Well, this was definitely a side of her
normally reserved friend that she'd never seen before.
    "So," Genevieve
said, sipping her wine. "What about you,
Hayley? What's your kinky Christmas fantasy?"
    Hayley shifted
on the couch, suddenly extremely aware of her friends looking at her. "Um..."
she stammered. "I don't really have any."
    Jill laughed.
"You must," she insisted. "We all do!"
    Hayley tucked
her long, blond hair behind her ear with a shrug. "Nope. I'm pretty boring, I'm afraid."
    "I find that
hard to believe," Genevieve scoffed.
    "Me, too,"
Monica said. "Come on, Haley. We all told what we want for Christmas. How about you?"
    Beside the other
girl, Lyndsay was grinning. "You know we're going to
wear you down you until you tell us."
    Hayley couldn't
help but laugh. She normally wouldn't have succumbed to their friendly
pressure, but the rum in the eggnog had her feeling much less inhibited than
    "Okay, but you
have to promise that you won't think I'm weird," she said, and then hurried on
before she lost her nerve. "I'd like Conn to spank me. I mean, I've never been
spanked before, so I'm not really sure if I'd even like it, but every time I
think about him putting me over his knee, I get so excited."
    Hayley held her
breath as she waited for her friends to say something, but they were all
staring at her in astonishment. She felt her face go red.
    "Oh God!" she
moaned. "You do think I'm weird! Forget I said that, okay?"
    Jill shook her
head. "We don't think you're weird at all," she said. "At least I don't. I'm
just surprised. Not by the fact that you get turned on by the thought of Conner
spanking you, I mean, but that you've never been spanked before."
    "Me, too," Lyndsay and Monica said in unison.
    Genevieve nodded
over the rim of her wine glass.
    Hayley looked at
them incredulously. "Wait a minute. All of you gotten spanked by a guy before?"
    The other girls
all nodded.
    "You've really
never been spanked?" Lyndsay asked.
    Hayley shook her
head. "Never," she said, and then frowned. "So, I guess that means I really am
weird since it seems that I'm the only one who's never had my bottom reddened."
    Her lips forming
into a pout, she grabbed a snowman-shaped sugar cookie from the plate on the
coffee table and took a bite as she curled her feet under her. How could she be
the only one missing out?
    Hayley had first
discovered her secret desire to be spanked several months ago. She had been
flipping through a fashion magazine at the hair salon when an article had
caught her eye. It had been a story about fulfilling your wildest bedroom
fantasies, and though she had skimmed through most of it, she had stopped when
she'd come to the part about spanking. Many modern women, it said, found being
put over their lover's knee for a spanking incredibly arousing. Admittedly,
Hayley had been shocked at the idea at first, but the more she'd thought about
it, the more intrigued she had become by the notion of getting spanked.
    In fact, she had
been so wrapped up in the fantasy of Conner spanking her that she barely
remembered talking to the stylist while the girl had done her hair. Since then,
the thought had refused to go away, and she found herself daydreaming about the
subject all the time. But she could never see herself asking her husband to spank
her; it would be too embarrassing.
    "So, why didn't
any of you ever tell me that you were into spanking?" she asked after a moment.
    Jill shrugged.
"I guess we all assumed that you had done it, too."
    Hayley's brow
furrowed. "Well, I haven't. And now that I know you

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