All of Me
as she got; biting at his lips, licking them, and then delving
her tongue deep into his mouth.  Stella’s hands held his face tightly to hers
as they went at each other…right there in the middle of a suburban street at
6:30 in the damn morning. 
    Nathan didn’t give
a fuck.  Everything fell away except her.  He’d never had any urge, any
compulsion, like the urge he was having to get inside of Stella Ciaramitaro
right now.   He’d never experienced anything like it before and knew he never
would again.  It was her…only her. 
    Don’t do
anything stupid, Stella , had been the family motto since Stella could
remember.  And with good reason.  She’d always been the impetuous, emotional,
passionate one.  Always following her feelings instead of her head and it had
gotten her into a lot of trouble.
    This situation
with Nathan would no doubt be yet another example.
    But his arms had
been so strong around her; his chest so hard and broad.  He’d lifted her as if
she’d weighed nothing.  And the way he smelled…
    No warm-blooded,
heterosexual woman alive could have resisted tasting him.  He’d smelled like
expensive cologne and man and cinnamon gum.  As delicious as anything she’d
ever smelled.  And the actual taste of him was 500% better.  Nathan Drazek was
nothing like what he seemed and everything that appealed to her. 
    Of course, it
couldn’t go any farther than a kiss.  Stella was missing parts that mattered to
men and she was about to be missing one more of them.  She’d never put herself
through that humiliation again.  But that didn’t mean she couldn’t enjoy a kiss
– or ten – with the sexiest, most interesting man she’d ever met.  No harm, no
    He’d already said
he wasn’t looking for anything either. 
    Their lips still
fused together, Stella squirmed until he slowly, gently turned her in his
arms.  They were now front to front, with Nathan holding her tightly up against
him.  Stella’s legs wrapped around his waist and Nathan moaned deep inside of
her mouth.  His hands found her ass – grabbing hard and pulling her as close as
humanly possible while still clothed. 
    The sensations and
emotions took over and she broke away from their kiss to bury her face in
Nathan’s neck.  Stella licked up his jugular and nipped at his jawline.
    “ Oh, God… ” 
Nathan dipped his head and found her lips again.  They went at each other for
what seemed like hours before an obnoxious car horn broke the spell.
    “Hey, get a
room!”  There was another long, loud horn honk.  “This is a family
neighborhood!  Perverts!”
    Nathan pulled
away, despite Stella’s best attempts to prevent it.  He panted hard and hot
against her neck as he lifted a hand up to the offended mini van family before
they sped away.
    Stella exhaled a
laugh in between her own panting.  “I’ve never engaged in public indecency
before.  I guess it’s lucky I’m with a cop, huh?”
    Nathan looked down
at her with that inscrutable face of his and Stella wished she knew what he was
    He’s probably
thinking you’re a Badge Bunny who throws herself at every hot cop in
Cleveland.  That you’re not real adept at the art of playing hard to get.  That
you’re desperate and chatty and really nosy. 
    That you’re
still hanging on him like a wet towel.
    Stella loosened
her grip and Nathan let her slide slowly down the front of his body until her
feet touched the pavement.  She’d felt his erection – how could she not?  And
she suddenly wondered if he’d noticed her lack of a breast at any time during
their make-out session.
    “I’m…I, uh…”  He
gripped the back of his neck and shook his head.  “I’m sorry. I don’t know what
that was.”
    Nathan seemed
genuinely dazed and confused, which only made him more adorable.
    “I think we’ve got
some serious chemistry or something going on here.”  She studied his face
appreciatively.  “I’ve never

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