All My Heart (Count On Me Book 4)

All My Heart (Count On Me Book 4) by Melyssa Winchester

Book: All My Heart (Count On Me Book 4) by Melyssa Winchester Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melyssa Winchester
she found me last fall, is my brother. After what she walked in on, I guess something in her broke and any sympathy she might have had for my asshole brother went out the window.
    At least it did until now.
    There’s something different in her eyes. It’s a look I’ve seen directed at me, Eric and even Amelia after everything happened with Tim. She’s sympathizing with my brother.
    “What are you thinking?”
    “Kay, I know that it could turn out to be another trick, but I think you should do it.”
    Well, that’s not what I expected to hear.
    “You want me to go see Dean?”
    “If you want to, yes. I don’t want you to do it for me and I won’t tell you what to do. It’s your decision, but if someone went there to see him and that’s what’s causing this now, maybe you need to go and find out who it is and what they want.”
    “Dean shouldn’t get a say in anything I do anymore. I don’t want to give him any more control.”
    I’m not sure why I say this, she knows it already, but now that it’s out I can’t and won’t take it back. Going to see Dean, even if I am curious, is giving him control over my life again. That night last year should have been the end of it.
    “He doesn’t get a say. You’re going there for answers. You get them and you leave. He gets nothing.”
    “He gets what he wants.”
    “In a way, but so do you. You get answers and a way to end this.”
    “I thought you would agree with me.” I answer honestly, more than a little surprised by the way she’s acting even though I really shouldn’t be. This is the way Belle has always been.
    “Do what feels right, Kay. I’m not telling you to go see him, but if you want answers, you know it’s the only way you’re going to get them.”
    She’s right. Of course she is.
    “I don’t know if I can go there alone.”
    “Then don’t.”
    “You gonna explain what you mean by that?”
    She grins and seeing it, it’s impossible not to return it with one of my own.
    “If you want to go see Dean, you won’t have to go alone because I’ll be with you.”
    Yep. There it is.
    The exact reason I’m going to head back to Toronto on Sunday and start the ba ll rolling for my transfer home. Back to her.
    Right where I belong.
    Not being able to talk this week as much as we have been normally, it was only a matter of time before thi ngs came up that weren’t the best and we had a moment that wasn’t perfect.
    Kayden’s anger at dinne r, I knew it was coming. I know the way he is and even though he’s done so much over the last year to change that part of himself, I always know it’s there under the surface. After everything he went through, if he wasn’t like that it would worry me more.
    Eric was right. Kayden did want to come home and as much as I wanted to fight him on it, I couldn’t. That’s another way my best friend was right. He is like a hurricane and there’s nothing that will stop him once he gets the idea in his head.
    I don’t want to depend on him. It feels like I’m relying on him the same way I did with my mom instead of being an adult and handling things myself. I wanted to tell him all that when we were having dinner, but I couldn’t.
    It just proves that not much has changed since we graduated.
    I still feel like a baby and no amount of changing seems to make it go away.
    His revelation about Dean, I didn’t see that coming. I thought he would tell me about how hard the classes were or the grueling practices he’s been through since we’ve been apart, but not something about his brother.
    Dean’s been reaching out to him a lot lately and despite knowing that Kayden’s aff ected by it, he never breaks and goes to see him. I stay out of it because he knows how I feel about Dean, but this time I couldn’t stay out.
    Someone went to visit him. Someone important enough that his lawyer had to call Kayden about it. There are only two people I know of that are important enough to get a call like

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