All Kinds of Sluts - My Filthy Sluts: Volumes 1-3
    Jesse Flynn
    Copyright 2014 Jesse Flynn
    Smashwords Edition,
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    DISCLAIMER: This story is intended for a mature audience only! Contains
explicit, graphic sex and language. Not intended for individuals
under the age of 18.
    AUTHOR’S NOTE: All characters depicted in this work of fiction are 18 years
of age or older.
    HOT &
    I’m a traveling man. Not quite in the
old-school sense of the word, necessarily, but in the spirit of it,
at least. My job takes me around the country, keeping me
continually on the move; two weeks on the West Coast, a day in the
Midwest, a weekend the South, then on to the East Coast for a week
before heading back west. We have companies in almost half of the
states of the US, and I’m constantly putting out fires in every
single one of them.
    Needless to say this precludes me from
having a traditional relationship. It simply wouldn’t be fair to be
gone from my family at all times; not to me or to them. But that’s
okay. I’ve never been much for the traditional lifestyle anyway. I
prefer to do things my own way.
    Luckily for me I’m a pretty good looking
dude, a tall and dark-haired 27-year old with a body honed from
years of playing sports and working out. I’m extremely comfortable
in my own skin and have a pitch-black, self-deprecating sense of
humor. Which is a long-winded way of saying that I’ve never really
had any trouble with women.
    That last part has made things pretty easy
for me while I’m on the road. Over the years I’ve cultivated a
number of relationships, leaving me with one woman for each of the
cities I visit on a regular basis. They’re not girlfriends in the
traditional sense but they’re more than just fuck-buddies. Each
women is someone I spend the majority of my non-working time with
when I come into town, sort of like a short-lived, temporary
relationship, minus all the hassles. We party, we go to dinner, we
hang out, and we fuck. Then we both move on until the next time I’m
in town.
    There are, of course, occasional issues that
flare-up in this kind of set-up, but for the most part, it works
wonderfully. I’m certainly happy about my life. The way I see it I
get the best of both worlds; a bevy of hot, awesome,
sexually-active companions without the hassles and pitfalls of a
long-term relationship. I couldn’t ask for anything more.
    I arrived in St. Louis at 6PM, got into my
rental car, and made my way towards Melanie’s apartment. I had four
days in the city, most of which were going to spent working, but
tonight I had the evening to do with what I pleased. So I’d made
plans to take Melanie to dinner before settling down for the
    Melanie was a 23-year old graduate student
at the University of Missouri, where she was studying to be a
biochemist. I’d met her a couple years back when she was working
part-time at one of our sister companies, helping make ends
    At a shade under 5’4” and barely more than
100 pounds, Melanie was a tiny young woman with long brown hair and
a rocking body. She was one of those lucky girls that could go
either way; she could play down her looks and be the
girl-next-door, cute as a button, all innocent and wholesome
looking, or she could sex things up and pull off the filthy, slutty
look with

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