All In: Raising the Stakes

All In: Raising the Stakes by Lane Hart

Book: All In: Raising the Stakes by Lane Hart Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lane Hart
to me.
    Katie’s fallen asleep on top of me, her petite body completely limp. Her head rests on my chest. Thick, wavy red hair spilling down my sides. Her arms wound tightly around my neck. Our lower bodies are a bit more interesting. Her legs are still straddling my hips, and my half-mast, condom-covered cock is still buried in the warm embrace of her pussy. She feels perfect on me.
    My fingertips slowly trail up her sides and back down, then around a similar path up her spine. When she finally starts to squirm awake, she makes mmm sounds that send my cock to full attention.
    Katie gasps, apparently becoming aware of where we’d left off when we fell asleep last night, or early this morning. I grab both of her perfect ass cheeks and push her down, sheathing myself deeper.
    "Ah," she cries out when she begins working her hips on me. Her arms around my neck tighten and I lose the hold on my restraint. I thrust my hips wildly, bouncing her up and down on my cock.
    " Ohh! Ohhh! " her moans grow louder as she slams herself on me until we both freefall into paradise.
    "Time to get up," I tell her as we recover.
    "I think…I'm already up."
    "Okay, but unfortunately, it's time to get off my cock," I amend, making her laugh. I love the sound of it and can't get enough.
    We spent the entire night in each other's arms, fucking, laughing, making out, and talking. It was the best night of my life. Katie seemed so happy and carefree, unlike the attorney I know from work. The fact that she wasn’t repulsed but turned on when I told her I’d been with Chad, shocked the fuck out of me. Now I’m really glad I was honest with her.
    The ring of her cell phone breaks the spell we'd been under. She scrambles off of me. Grabbing her phone from the coffee table, she heads for the bathroom, shutting the door. Back to reality.
    Fuck .
    We have an hour before the seminar starts this morning and I hear Katie turn on the shower to start getting ready. Even with the wall suddenly back down between us, I can't stop smiling as I think about our amazing night. I’m still lost in memories when Katie opens the door about ten minutes later, wearing nothing but a towel wrapped around her hair.
    "You can, ah, shower if you want while I get ready," she says almost shyly.
    I don't move, I just take in every inch of her amazing body. Her skin looks like unblemished ivory satin. Almost too flawless to be real.
    "You've got a few freckles, right?" I ask.
    She laughs. "What?"
    "Freckles? Cute little dots?"
    She shakes her head. "Ah, no. Why?"
    "Because you're too damn perfect to be real."
    "Does anyone actually buy it?" she asks, cocking one hip.
    "Buy what?"
    "All that bullshit you sell," she replies with a smile.
    "It's not bullshit," I say defensively.
    After I toss the used condom in the trash bin I start toward her, still as naked as when we woke up together. I watch as her eyes do their own wandering up and down my body. It takes all the restraint I have, but I don't touch her on the way to the bathroom. I can tell she’s expecting me to but I want to leave her wanting more. By the end of the weekend I want her ready to jump me whenever I walk into the same room as her.
    "You wanna grab a quick breakfast downstairs before the conference gets started?" I ask. "I don't know about you, but I'm starved after last night's exertion."
    She swallows and nods. I can't help but wonder if she has an endless stream of pornographic movies starring us playing on repeat through her mind like I have in mine. It’s going to be damn distracting today, that’s for sure.
    Eight very long hours later, I think my cock is going to explode. I've been half-hard all day, desperate to get naked with the woman sitting all prim and proper beside me. I don't allow myself to touch her even innocently, and it’s painful to endure, especially when I want nothing more than to stake my claim for the douchebag from the day before that’s still staring at her. Katie seems as antsy

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