    I am tugged in close to a warm body smelling of bourbon and sex, I snuggle deep and breathe him in, ‘um.” I roll my hips in and feel a strong hand hitch up my thigh. He begins to smooth a small circle with his thumb on the skin at the side of my knee.
    I open my eyes and find Leo looking down at me, he has his free arm throw up over his head, ‘morning beautiful.” His smile melts me.
    I run my hand over his bare chest, ‘morning mansome.”
    A smile curves his lips, ‘mansome?” His gruff morning voice is sexy and makes my girly parts twitch.
    “Yeah mansome,’ I smile and lean in to lightly bite his nipple.
    “Aw babe,’ he throws his hand over his nipple messaging away the pain inflicted by my teeth. “Now explain mansome.”
    “You are all man and then some, mansome.” I explain as I climb up on top of him, and my comment garners a throaty laugh.
    He slaps my bared ass, ‘damn babe, ’ after the slap he palms both of my bare ass cheeks and squeezes he then goes to slide me off, ‘need coffee.” He rolls me on over to my back, ‘then I’s gots to go.”
    Feeling a little dejected about how he can jump up and leave after the night we had just shared , ‘um hum.”
    “Okay wait a minute before you go all doughy eyes on me,’ he kisses my forehead.
    At the sake of sounding whiny, ‘it's Sunday what could you possibly have to do?” I try and give him my “doughy eyes”.
    “Babe I have a shop to run,’ he sighs, ‘in more ways than one so cut me some slack.” He leans his forehead down onto mine.
    Trac ing circles on his chest, ‘okay,” I relent, for now. This is where I suck it up and realize he is here for what I gave him last night and nothing more. I have always had problems with separation anxiety after I do the deed but it seems to really be tugging on me having to let Leo go.
    He jumps fro m the bed and pulls on his slacks without his underwear, I watch as the material covers his nice ass and feel a little sad it is gone from sight. I can now see what the wing belongs to, it is an angel of death, holding a long sword in one hand with blood running down the arm dripping from a bent elbow. In the other hand the sinister snarling figure is holding a skull standing on a pile of bones from what can only be its victims. The scales of justice being the back drop to the scene of carnage stretching from one shoulder to the other.
    He turns and I peruse his chest and the tattoos covering it, amazing. The scene on his front is more toned down but just as disturbing as his back, a smaller figure looking like a Knights Templar holding court with several of his subjects. His arms are various crests and shields, carry on with the Knights of Mayhem theme, I never thought I would like a guy with ink but Leo rocks it. He runs his hand through his hair trying to tame the midnight locks I had mussed during the night.
    He goes to the door and turns back to me, ‘coming?”
    I flop back and giggle covering my face with the sheet, he laughs and corrects his misspoken words, ‘yeah babe I know loaded question, let me rephrase, coffee?”
    “Yes.” I utter through my joy. I hear the door click open and the lump in my throat begins to grow, I am in deep and only after four days with him, I am in trouble. The thought of waking up with him like this every morning is becoming more appealing to me by every raw moment I spend with him.
    I hear him rummaging around in the kitchen and decide to go and help , I find his button up shirt throwing it on I head for him and his bare chested wonder. I stop in the hall and drinking in the sweet soreness present only after a night like I had with a man like Leo. Leaning back on the wall and crossing my ankles I close my eyes as I press my legs together and comment the wonderful pinch to memory.
    I am so lost in the thought of our amazing night I don’t hear Leo round the corner, but I feel his eyes on me . My eyes are still closed but an involuntary smile

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