All I Want Is Forever

All I Want Is Forever by Neicey Ford Page B

Book: All I Want Is Forever by Neicey Ford Read Free Book Online
Authors: Neicey Ford
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betrayed by the one man who loved her more than life.  She was probably angry because he wouldn’t give her or her mother any answers and then he left them and never looked back.  I don’t know how the relationship was with him and Helen’s mother.  I never asked.  Shoot, I never really wanted to know, but what I saw in him when he was with my mother was pure bliss.  They were always happy.  They loved one another till death did them part.  Literally.”
    Denise cleared her throat.  “Have you tried to speak with Helen now that you both are older?  I mean, you were younger then; you’re both grown now.”
    “I don’t know about that, Denise,” Judy snickered.  “ I’m sure the hatred that she has built up for me has calloused her heart twice over.  Nothing I do or say could possibly penetrate through that.”
    “You’ re right.  There probably isn’t anything you can do other than give it to the Lord.”
    “I’ve been praying…”
    “Well, be patient.  God heard you and he’ll answer.  I’m a strong believer in the power of prayer.”
    “I know how powerful it is.  I see the results of it every day when I look at Arthur.”
    “Would you like for me to speak to Helen, Mrs. Judy?”
    “No, I’ll continue to pray about it.  Thanks for listening, Denise,” Mrs. Judy replied as she stood up.  “You know what the sad part is?” She asked with her hand on the door knob.  “The part that’s really convicting my spirit is the scripture which reads: Whoever claims to love God yet hates a brother or sister is a liar…”
    “For whoever does not love their brother and sister, whom they have seen, cannot lo ve God, whom they have not seen.  1 John 4:20.  I’m sorry, Mrs. Judy.  I’m really sorry.” 

    “D, he’s here.”
    “Thanks, Jonathan.  Send him back.”
    “Go on back Kane.  He’s waiting for you,” Jonathan said hanging up the phone.
    Kane stepped inside the studio.  The smell of Italian leather filled the room like incense.
    “Why’d you come?”  DJ asked as he spun around in his chair.
    “To be honest I don’t know.  I wanted to go back to sleep for real, but I ended up looking at that piece of paper you left.  Then I asked mama for a Bible and read whatever it was…James…”
    “James 2:14-17.”
    “Yeah, that.  Afterwards, I rolled back over and pulled the covers over my head, but every time I closed my eyes they would open back up.  Then I got this crazy feeling in the pit of my stomach and something kept telling me to move.  It was weird,” Kane admitted.   “I felt like I had to be here even though I tried to convince myself that I didn’t want to come.  Shit, we both know that the studio is like a SafePlace for me.  I don’t have to worry about the pressures of the world tugging on me when I’m here.  You don’t ask me to make no deliveries, cook no work, and I don’t have to watch my back.  All I have to do is step in front of a mic and wait for you to press record.  Reading that stuff from the Bible did something to me, man.  It was like I had an a-ha moment.  I finally understood what you meant by faith without works is dead.”
    “ You got it!  You see, once you go to Him, He’ll get your attention and speak to you personally and directly.  K, you already put in the work.  You just had to step out of that basement on faith.  You showing up here today lets me know that you’re willing and this is prove that He’s able.  While you were out there tripping trying to figure out how you were going to survive with no ends, God had already worked it out.”
    “What are you talking about?”
    DJ removed the envelope from his desk drawer.
    “ All that’s required is a mustard seed of faith,” DJ said sliding the envelope across the table.
    “What is this?”  Kane asked.  He opened the envelope and pulled out the contents.  “D!  What is this?”
    “It’s the product of your hard work mixed with a

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