All Her Men (The Queen's Men Book 1)

All Her Men (The Queen's Men Book 1) by Brina Cary Page B

Book: All Her Men (The Queen's Men Book 1) by Brina Cary Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brina Cary
attack; however, those that remained were prepared for anything. Chris’ men had been summoned to the Parliament Building as well. The men and her guards were divided. They each worked on their own sides of the room, as if they didn’t trust each other enough to get close. The sheer amount of weapons being readied was confusing to her. They were truly preparing for war.
    “Why is everyone separated?”
    His eyes took on a sad look as he whispered, “’Tis a lack of trust. Too much has been lost today.”
    “Chris’ men are good guys. They know how to fight. I trust Chris and he trusts them.”
    “That may be. We lost good friends yesterday. ‘Tis too hard to trust. Those men understand.”
    She nodded. “I understand.” There had been too much lost. It hurt her to consider it.
    “Lass… Jacob…”
    “Please don’t.” No, she could not bear to think of Jacob. There was too much to be done. No one else was going to use her grief as a political campaign. No one else was going to use her grief for an ‘iconic image’. Maybe if they made it through the coming war she would forgive Genevive for that, but it was going to take a lot.
    “Ye need to know…”
    She threw her arms up to stop anything further he might say. “I know all I need to know!”
    He raised an eyebrow at her exasperation.
    She took a deep breath. It wouldn’t do to get upset with him. He had lost a friend and knew how she felt, in a way. “Please don’t talk about him. I can’t bear it right now.”
    “Verra well. Nothing else shall be said on the matter.”
    “Thank you. Where are we on preparations? Have you guys deployed men to the Trident’s yet?”
    “The oil fields?”
    “Three ships were sent to defend it.”
    “Has there been any word on who sent the package?”
    “Yer friend, the shrew…”
    “The what?” A grin broke out on her face. Maybe she should ask him to call Gen that to her face. That would really start something. It would be hilarious!
    “I meant the angry one.”
    “Of course you did…”
    “The lass is making headway on the computer. She expects an answer soon.”
    “Good.” It was time they had some answers. They had been in the dark for far too long. It was only giving the perpetrators a chance to get away. They just needed a starting point. Something that could point them in the right direction. Who would want to destroy a newly formed country? Even if it was one that had stood for centuries, it was still newly formed in a way. Was that the key or was it more personal?
    “I got it!!”
    She turned towards Genevive.
    “I got it!” Gen’s excitement was overwhelming. She held her laptop up in her excitement. “I found him!”
    “The bomber?”
    “Yes! He’s a mercenary from Sierra Leon.”
    “Why in the world would a mercenary from Sierra Leon be interested in destroying Scotland?”
    Genevive stopped and her face went blank.
    “You have no idea, do you?”
    “Not yet, but I will soon.”
    “You’re still in the dog house. Show the bastard to me.” It would be good to put a face to the hatred she felt. The overwhelming hatred that threatened to boil over at any minute.
    As Genevive held out the laptop to her she held her breath. What if she had seen him, but did not stop him? What if the little girl and her mother could have been saved the pain of being buried alive? What if Jacob’s death could have been prevented? Maybe there was something she saw, something she could have done… something to save them all. Would she be able to forgive herself? No, the answer was no. Still though, she looked.
    As she gazed upon the face of the murderer she felt a small ounce of recognition. The man’s picture was deceiving. Bright green eyes. That’s what stood out the most. His bright green eyes. His skin was slightly tanned, his hair blonde as the summer’s sun, and his expression… It spoke of deceit. It spoke of lies. He was a mercenary alright. Someone

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