All Good Things Absolved
growling noise in the back of his throat. It was the noise I had come to recognize as his brand of frustration. "I don't like when others touch me. I don't know why, but I don't. It was a surprise for me when we first met that I liked feeling your touch. It makes me feel - good."
    "Jace," I shook my head. I didn't know what to think. I ached to touch him, but I was almost afraid of making him feel uncomfortable. After all this time and I never knew. I never once suspected he didn't like to be touched.
    As though seeing my hesitation to touch him and the internal struggle that rose to the surface, Jace grasped my wrist in his hand. He lifted my hand to his chest over his heart and through my open palm I felt his heartbeat. The gesture made me feel sad and happy at the same time. It was so intimate and wonderful and confusing.
    "I love touching you, Jace." I whispered. "I need to touch you."
    "I need you to touch me too." He said sternly. "I'll always need you to touch me." He dipped his head until his forehead was touching mine. "It's only others I don't like touching me. But I want you to go and enjoy your day with Trisha. You deserve a girls day."
    "I will enjoy the day."
    He nodded. "I know you will."
    I sat back in the chair at my desk and glanced at the door to the bedroom adjoined to my office. I'd left Olivia to get some rest after making love to her...again. I could see she was tired and stressed. And, that bothered me. There was only a week until the day we would be married and I couldn't wait. I couldn't wait for her to take my name. I'd already made her mine in every sense of the word and I couldn't wait to make her mine legally. She was carrying my child, living in my house, sleeping in my bed - she was as mine as I could make her and still it wasn't enough. I wanted her to be mine in every way possible. Marrying her was just another way to show the world she belonged to me.
    Although I knew everything was ready for our special day, Olivia was fretting over everything. From the tablecloths to the lights to the tent I'd ordered to stand in the back yard. I'd told her everything was fine, but she insisted on worrying herself. And she was going to make herself ill. I couldn't have that and the only way I could think of settling her mind was by sending her to the spa for a day. As much as I loathed the idea of her spending an entire day away from me, I knew it had to be done. She needed some quiet time to still her mind. And, I knew she'd been missing Trisha.
    I made the call to the spa Jaylah and my mother frequent and had the girls booked in for a full body pampering. Not only would she get the rest I knew she needed but she would feel beautiful on our day. She would get everything done from her nails to her hair. She always looked gorgeous to me, but I wanted her to feel gorgeous.
    I'd made all the arrangements for tomorrow. I called Gabe and let him know he'd be driving Olivia from the penthouse to the spa with Trisha. He would pick the girls up at eight am. I wasn't feeling so agitated after I'd spoken with Gabe. With her stalker still unknown, I didn't like her being anywhere but with me. Leaving her alone in our penthouse had been hard enough today. I worried about her every second and barely got an iota of work done. I would have accomplished just as much if I'd stayed home in bed with her. I would know better for next time.
    The door creaked open and Olivia poked her head into the office. "Are we alone?"
    I nodded. "We are."
    "Good." She opened the door and walked out wearing only my shirt. It was long on her - hanging down over her thighs, but through the thin dress material I could see the swell of her breasts. They'd grown a bit in size since the pregnancy. I'd only heard her complain a few times that they were sore.
    Although I didn't like the idea of her being in pain, there was an odd feeling of pride I felt at the knowledge of her breasts aching. I liked knowing she was feeling the effects of our

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