All Enemies Foreign and Domestic (Kelly Blake series)

All Enemies Foreign and Domestic (Kelly Blake series) by Rodney Smith

Book: All Enemies Foreign and Domestic (Kelly Blake series) by Rodney Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rodney Smith
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confirm this, but we believe that is why you were invited to the elder’s quarters last night.”
          Kelly kept silent on what they had discussed with the senior elder.   He waited to hear if he would get the same story from the elders – the one that J’Gon had said the other elders did not want him to know.
          “Your last ship, the scout ship Orion, is very fast.   Our flotilla at top speed will take three weeks to arrive at its destination. We request your very fast and capable scout ship make best speed to the area and scout it for us so that our flotilla does not enter into the system blind.   We can ill afford to lose ships to lack of reconnaissance.   The T’Kab may have captured one of our planetary survey ships.   If so, they will have access to our navigation system and communication equipment and protocols.   This would give them information on all our planets and many of yours and the A’Ngarii’s planets.   We see this as a danger to all three of our civilizations.   If possible, have your ship destroy any unidentified ship in orbit around the planet or in the system.   It would be the T’Kab courier ship coming for the navigation system.
          “If your government will agree to conduct the recon for us, we are ready to make a liaison team available to accompany the ship.   In return, we will provide unlimited access to our atlas of the empire.   It lays out details on every planet, star system, and astronomical feature in our space.   It includes detailed information on the defenses, population, cities, and resources of all explored or inhabited planets.   We lay ourselves bare to you.   You could not collect this much information in less than 50 years even if all your ships were as fast or capable as the Orion.   This data crystal contains all we have on the T’Kab.”
          The pain pills kept Kelly from being too affected by G’Fin’s flattery over his old ship.   He thought for a moment and replied, “I will carry your request favorably to my government.   If the T’Kab are as you say, they are a peril to all three of our peoples.   I’ll see what I can do.   Of course, if your government could find and return my wife unharmed, it would open up many avenues of mutual benefit.   We needn’t always be enemies.”
          G’Fin looked down at the floor, as if running through an emotional calculus, and back up to Kelly.   “Captain, if I find out anything, anything at all, I will let you know without waiting for diplomatic channels.   On this I give you my oath.”
          Kelly was taken slightly aback by this willingness to forego diplomatic protocol.   He also understood the significance of the oath to a K’Rang.   When said before witnesses, an oath must be upheld.   To falsely give one’s oath was almost unthinkable to the K’Rang; to do so would strip one of all honor and make one an outcast, subject to death at the claws of any member of his clan.
          Kelly thanked G’Fin for his offer and restated that he would recommend approval for his request.
          G’Fin thanked him and made his departure.   As he walked back to the Foreign Ministry, he contacted his clan leader and informed him he had made his oath to the Human, as directed.   J’Gon was clan brother and also his uncle.   An affront to their elder was an affront to all their clan.   He would see what he could find out to make an early partial fulfillment of his oath.
    * * * * *
          G’Fin was not the last visitor that Kelly received that day.   The next two created quite a stir.   Baron N’Gana, Secretary to the Elders, called and asked if the Elders G’Tol and J’Kol could call on the ambassador and Captain Blake to express their apologies for the recent events, their concern for Candy’s safety, and check on Kelly’s condition.   The ambassador said that his schedule was open and he could meet with the Elders

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