All Chickens Must Die: A Benjamin Wade Mystery

All Chickens Must Die: A Benjamin Wade Mystery by Scott Dennis Parker Page B

Book: All Chickens Must Die: A Benjamin Wade Mystery by Scott Dennis Parker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Scott Dennis Parker
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and shook her head. “You don’t think I’d
let my brother stay behind and wind up in jail, do you?”
    The revelation was surprising, but what was more surprising was
that I didn’t have a clue how this all fit together. Danielle and Peete are
siblings? In what world did that make sense? She must have been the one
who had Peete tail and get to know Clara. See what she knew on the night
Marlowe visited Teague. Then I showed up and he started in on me, going so far
as attacking me in my own house. It’s because he was looking for the diamond,
but I gave him enough of a fight that he had to hightail it before the police
showed up.
    “He and I are lovers, if you must know, Mr. Wade.”
    Most of the pieces were now falling into place. “Marlowe was
hired by Kruger to get the diamond Aldridge bought before Kruger could get it.
That means—”I made sure I had my facts somewhat in order—”Kruger and Marlowe
are both part of that mysterious organization.”
    “It’s more of an informal society, if you must know.”
    “And, if Teague isn’t a part of the society, that means Marlowe
has something on Teague to force him to order the slaughter. But, if you’re
Marlowe’s lover that means you know about this organization.”
    Danielle gave me a pitying look. “Mr. Wade, I not only know about
the organization, I’m a member of it.”
    I stood. “Well, then, looks like we have a date at the train
    “I’m not going anywhere.” Danielle blew smoke in my direction.
“And Marlowe is an expert thief. He’ll smell a rat a mile away if you show up
    She was right. I paced the room while Martha continued to hold
her gun on Danielle. I looked at the two of them. The thing that had stuck in
my craw for a couple of days finally dislodged.
    And now I knew how I was going to catch Marlowe.
    I raced across the room and picked up the phone. Danielle
suddenly looked worried. “Who are you calling?”
    “The police. You’re going to jail.”
    Danielle actually laughed at that. “You seem very certain, Mr.
    I spoke into the telephone, then hung up. Walking over to Martha,
I motioned for her to stand and I whispered something in her ear.
    “Are you sure?”
    “Positive. Think you can handle it, seeing as the two of y’all
will be alone together?”
    For the first time since I’d met her, I saw Martha’s smile.
“We’ll do just fine.” She angled a look at me. “This mean I have the job?”
    “And what are you going to do?” Martha asked.
    “I’m going to go see an old friend.”

Chapter Nineteen
    The University Savings and Loan building
was a short, five-story brick structure in the West University district of
Houston. Located just off Kirby Drive, it was among the tallest buildings in
the area. It had the air of being the biggest fish in a moderately small pond.
    Oliver Aldridge was that fish and his savings and loan was the
pond. His wealth was probably ill-gotten but his influence was oddly
substantial. You’d think that a fish like him would only have influence in the
hiring and firing of his employees, but you’d be wrong. He knew people,
powerful people. I decided that he owed me a favor.
    I parked my car and strolled into the lobby like I owned the
place which, for the next few minutes, I did.
    A guard noticed me first. He didn’t do much other than unfold his
arms and hook his thumbs in his belt. I paid him no mind. Instead, I walked straight
across the lobby until I reached the receptionist who sat in front of an ornate
office. Now, “ornate” by bank standards is several rungs lower on the scale
than, say, that of an oil man or a rancher. Still, it was the fanciest office
in the room.
    I rapped a knuckle on the receptionist’s desk. She looked up and
then over her glasses. Her brunette hair was beginning to show streaks of gray.
    “May I help you?” Her tone indicated that the correct answer was
    I pointed at her boss’s

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