All Bets Are On
blue suit left over from the eighties?”
    “No. Mr. Tall, Dark, and Strike-me-dead next to the flower arrangement, talking to the mayor.”
    Trish’s eyes widened. “Oh, my.”
    “I thought you’d approve.”
    “And he took you for ice cream?”
    “Yep,” Jaclyn repeated, watching him work the room, shaking hands, doling out chaste kisses. “Now you see my problem? Men who try that hard are too smooth, untrustworthy, and all around no bueno .”
    “Your problem? Girl, you don’t have a problem. I’d be dropping my drawers for that man right here, right now.”
    “You and every other vagina in the room.”
    “But that sex appeal and those eyes.”
    “Trish,” Jaclyn warned. Trish might be her best friend, but she had the morals of an alley cat.
    “I really can’t believe that’s the same man who was drooling across your computer screen. What happened to your convictions about never dating gorgeous men?”
    “Well, let’s just say he talked me into it.” And how exactly had that happened? She’d let him talk her into being there right then, too. She stiffened her resolve. She owed it to herself to prove to him that he wasn’t irresistible. That she could go out with him again without losing her shorts. She was stronger than she thought, and besides, he wasn’t all that. Even if he thought he was.
    “I’m sure he’s a real smooth talker,” Trish added.
    “Oh, you have no idea.” Smooth everything. Jaclyn sighed.
    Trish reached into her pocketbook, pulled out a condom, and handed it to her.
    Horrified, Jaclyn snatched it up, her gaze quickly sweeping the room to make sure no one saw them. “What is this?”
    “With a man like that you need to be prepared for whenever the lucky moment might strike.”
    “And I’m sure if I look in that little handbag of yours, not a condom will be found.”
    “Trish!” she repeated, even more outraged. Especially when she realized her friend was dead on. Not only did she not have a condom in her bag, she hadn’t used one last night when she should have. Fire flamed her cheeks.
    “Sorry, but am I right or am I right?”
    Jaclyn sucked in a deep breath. “I’m not going to dignify that with an answer.”
    “Then just thank me, Jaxs, and take the damned thing.”
    “Fine.” She slipped the condom into her evening bag. “I’ll take it, but I can guarantee you, I will not be sleeping with Mr. Irresistible tonight.” Not again .
    “Why on earth not? What I wouldn’t give—”
    “Because I don’t have casual sex, and I doubt Mr. Hottie Pants is the type who is in it for the long haul. I haven’t changed my mind on getting involved with good looking guys.”
    “No, can’t say that I would argue with you about that. But still, it’s such a damned shame to let an opportunity for some really fabulous sex pass you by.”
    Trish really had no idea how fabulous. Jaclyn needed to change the conversation, and quick, before she spilled just how weak-willed she’d been. And still wanted to be. No, not weak, she corrected, trying to make herself feel better. He had been a gift to her. A decision she’d made to walk on the wild side. For once. And did she regret it? Yes, because that bastard bet on her—twice. And she was the big laughing-stock loser. Worse, here she was at another party, because she’d lost yet another bet with him.
    “Just saying,” Trish continued. “Men like that don’t come along every day.”
    “No, they sure don’t.” And it was a damned good thing, too.
    As if he could hear them talking, Derek turned his beautiful blue eyes her way. Heat rose up her chest. The bastard could set her on fire with only a glance. Pathetic. But the truth was, no man should be that handsome. It stacked the odds in their favor. Dark hair, deep blue eyes, high cheekbones, and a body that would make a girl fall down and swoon. Derek Wescott was too sinfully handsome to be real. To be human. Yep, spending the night

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