Alina's Crossing: Guardians of Terrin

Alina's Crossing: Guardians of Terrin by Taylor Shane

Book: Alina's Crossing: Guardians of Terrin by Taylor Shane Read Free Book Online
Authors: Taylor Shane
parents to have to let their children go, but in
the end they want them safe. Sometimes we can take a mother if she is small. We
always keep an extra cloak with us if an adult is going to make the journey,
but a lot of the times the adults don't want to separate. Sometimes the parents
just can't let their children go, so they turn us away, leaving us to move on
to the next people on the list.” He said.
    “Amazing. I
awe. I am completely overwhelmed. That is just....what you do...what you have
done here...” I said, rambling. I couldn't convey my feelings properly.
    Jeb shrugged. “Yes well. It's
the least I could do. There are too many innocent people and not enough people
willing to risk their lives to help them. People are simply too scared to stand
up to Shael.” said Jeb.
    He was entirely too modest.
    “So, where do I fit into all
this?” I asked.
    “Ah yes, well we aren't quite
sure where you fit in....yet. We just know that the person who activated the
stone tablet is the one who can stop Shael and can activate the weapon to use
against him.” Replied Jeb.
    “And the weapon does what,
exactly?” I asked curiously.
    “It can destroy the Shadow,
which is the bulk of Shael's power. He hides behind it. He does have his own
personal magic which is why he can house it inside his body. If we can destroy
the Shadow, we can kill Shael once and for all. Or at least mount a larger
resistance against him. The can't fight it. You can't hide from
it. We eradicate the Shadow, we have a fighting chance.” said Jeb.
    “Are you serious? I can't stop
that thing! I am nobody special. You guys must have the wrong person!” I yelled.
    I started to pace around the
tiny room. Riff cowered back inside my jacket at the sound of my screeching. I
didn't care that everyone was watching me have a freak out.
    “No, we don't have the wrong
person. It's you Alina. Like I said, we don't know how you fit in yet. Once we
get settled, we can look at the kelter stone tablet and take it from there.”
explained Jeb, his voice calm and smooth.
    I had forgotten about the stone
sitting innocently on the table. That blasted stone was the thing that started
this whole thing.
    I nodded hesitantly.
    It wasn't going to help the
situation by freaking out all the time. I had fear, but I would have to face up
to it and do so quickly. I don't know why I was chosen, but if there was a
chance I could do something to help these people, I would resolve myself try.
    I stepped towards the entrance
of the building, looking at all of the innocent children who were given a
chance for a semi-normal life on the island. They weren’t complete though. If I
could do anything to reunite them with their parents, then I had no choice.
    I've always wanted to do
something bigger than myself, to be part of something special. I guess the
words, be careful what you wish for, had a bigger meaning that I ever thought.

    Jeb showed me to my new home
away from home after the meeting, a tent of my very own on the outskirts of the
vast tent village. It had a cot, a small table that held a wash bowl and water
pitcher, a solitary lantern for light, and a lovely chest made of dark wood
that was made by one of the craftsman on the island. It was meant to hold
clothes and personal things. I had nothing to put in there I realized, but I
wasn't going to mention that to Jeb. I wondered to myself if a trip back to the
1st Realm could be managed so I could get my toothbrush?
      ‘ Probably
not.’ I decided.
    I was alone in my tent, looking
around my new home and pretending to tidy an already tidy space when someone
poked their head in. A little someone.
    “Hi!” said the little girl
    Her big, cheesy grin brought a
smile to my face, making me giggle. She looked to be no more than three or four
years old and had long light-blond hair that looked like it was at some point
in pigtails, but was now more of a mess than

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