Alien Slave
to, but we’re not, Dani. Kalquorians are very
protective of women. Not only are we committed to females’ physical
wellbeing and sexual fulfillment, but emotional welfare must be
addressed as well.” He stroked an errant lock of hair off her
    Unexpected tears prickled Dani’s eyes.
She blinked hard, holding them back. “You have no reason to worry
about me. I’m just a whore.”
    “ Is that how you see
yourself, sweetling?”
    “ What else would I
    Krijero smiled, the expression as warm
as the hand he stroked her face with. Dani basked in it despite
herself. “What about smart and fun? How about resourceful, brave,
and loyal? Aren’t you those things?”

    She clenched her fists at her sides.
She would not let him in. Not an alien whom she’d only met the
night before. “No one cares about that. All anyone cares about is
what they can get from me, whether it’s sex, money, or staying
quietly in the background and not causing a fuss.”
    Damn it. Her stupid mouth had run off
again, telling more than she wanted anyone to know.
    “ I’m sorry that’s what
you’re used to. You’re worth a lot more than that.”
    Dani jerked away, out of his reach.
Screw this. She should have stuck to the terms of her contract. “Go
away. Just leave. The brothel won’t refund your money, but I
    She stared hard at the floor, waiting
for them to go. Holding back the tears that flooded her eyes,
doubling her vision.
    “ Your parents were good at
that, weren’t they? Pushing you away, leaving you on your own, and
using money to make up for it?”
    Dani didn’t remember launching herself
at him. The next thing she knew, her fists were pounding Krijero’s
chest as hard as she could hit while she cried, “Shut up! Shut up!”
over and over in harsh sobs.
    The huge alien took her abuse, standing
still as her blows thudded against his body until her fury
exhausted itself. Then he gathered her to himself, holding her,
stroking her hair as she cried. Other compassionate hands joined in
the soothing, petting her arms and back. Dani buried her face in
the hollow of Krijero’s shoulder, needing any shelter. Even that of
an enemy.
    That’s why when he lifted her chin and
pressed his lips to hers, she melted into the kiss. Clinging to the
man she’d just attacked, Dani dove into the illusion of his
concern, the lie that another person might care.
    Her clothes fell away, tugged free by
the surrounding Kalquorians. They lowered her to a cushioning mat
on the floor, tender fingers and mouths caressing her grief away
until she gasped with need.
    But when Dani reached for Gelan’s
crotch, his sexes straining the fabric of his pants, he drew her
hands away. “No, little girl. This time is for you. Relax and let
us show you how it should be between men and a woman.”
    “ You’re my
    “ Then serve us through
letting us serve you.”
    The Dramok made no sense to her. None
of them did. Her storm of anger should have sent them stomping to
Pob, demanding a more compliant playmate or their money back.
Instead, Gelan’s kiss swept her away from care, his tongue lapping
the whole of her mouth with thorough grace. Wynhod’s lips worked
delicately on her breasts, suckling with a sweetness that brought
fresh tears spilling down her cheeks. Krijero gently mouthed her
womanhood, sipping her juices with reverence as if partaking of a
rare elixir. They fed on her body, but it was her arousal that
gorged on the feast, growing with every taste.

    While Gelan kissed and Wynhod suckled,
Krijero concentrated his warm, wet mouth on Dani’s clit, sucking
and flicking his tongue over the sensitive nub. He slid two fingers
into her sheath, curling the tips to press hard against the nest of
nerves that felt best. In and out he pumped, hitting that sweet
spot and rasping his rough raw-silk tongue over the distended
nubbin of flesh. Her whole body electrified, racing towards orgasm.
She writhed, her body bucking helplessly

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