Alien Slave
Even Wynhod had an aura of compassion.
    Forget it, you can’t fix my life. Your
people took that opportunity away when they invaded.
    Her voice tight, Dani deliberately
closed the subject. She pointed at the platter. “Hey, can I have
some more of that green and purple stuff? That’s the
    After a long silence, Krijero snagged
the delicacy and fed it to her. “Of course, Dani.”
    She was relieved when the conversation
turned to the hunt they’d had that morning.
    * * * *
    An hour later they were back on the
riotous streets of Ler, the men well fed and at ease. Dani’s
disquiet hadn’t ebbed however. The conversation about her parents
kept coming back, tainting the delicious Joshadan food and the care
the Kalquorians took of her.

    They did take good care of her.
Solicitous at every turn, they’d made sure she’d gotten her fill of
her favorite edibles. They had looked to her needs, doting on her
like a queen. But all Dani could think about were her parents, dead
and forever out of reach because of the aliens. Earth, reduced to a
lifeless rock that despite cleanup efforts, wouldn’t be habitable
again for decades, perhaps even centuries. Her carefree life in
which she slept with whoever she darn well pleased and wore pretty
clothes was all gone. Like the hologram of the green and blue dress
they now passed in the storefront that looked as light as a dream
and would have flattered her coloring much better than the gray bra
and skirts she’d been stuck with.
    Life was so unfair.
    Gelan said, “You’re very quiet, little
    Dani tore her eyes from the dress, the
one she’d have bought without minding the price tag in another
life. “Sorry. Thinking about stuff,” she answered, her tone
    She saw the men exchange glances. So
they’d caught her change in attitude. She didn’t care. Their kind
had ruined everything, leaving her to whore her body out in order
to survive. Despite the fun she’d had with them and the
mind-blowing sex, Dani was ready for the Kalquorians to
    Unfortunately, they’d paid for her
whole shift tonight, and she was theirs for several hours yet. Dani
repressed a sigh and plastered a smile on for her customers. She
reminded herself that if she dwelled too much on the evils of the
Kalquorians, she would have a long night ahead of her.

Chapter 6

    Back in the brothel’s playroom, Dani
steeled herself for the now unwanted romp, concentrating on sending
her mind away from her body as she did with most customers. She
pulled the straps of her bra down.
    “ Dani.” Krijero’s warm hand
cupped a shoulder. He turned her slowly to face the
    “ Yes, Imdiko Krijero?”
Polite tone. Please the clients, get the job done. Afterwards, she
would spend too long trying to wash the night away in the cold
water of the brothel’s shower. Just another shift. It would end
eventually, though not soon enough.
    “ Where are you right now?”
He leaned down, propping his hands on his thighs as he brought his
pretty purple eyes level with hers. Dani couldn’t figure out if she
wanted to escape the intense stare or drown in it. Krijero looked
self-assured for a change, not awkward at all.
    “ Here with you.” She
frowned. His question didn’t make sense to her.
    “ Maybe physically, but
you’ve gone somewhere else in your head.”
    His tone sounded so concerned. As if
her distance mattered.
    “ What do you care?” The
words fell out of Dani’s mouth before she could stop
    “ I care because I’m worried
you’re upset about something. What’s wrong, sweetling?” He
continued to look at her with that patient interest, as if he had
all night for her answer.
    Dani swallowed. She knew her mental
state didn’t worry him in the least, except what it might do to the
rest of his night. “Nothing of importance, Imdiko. It won’t affect
my performance. I promise you will be satisfied and get your
money’s worth.”
    “ Perhaps if we were the kind
of men you’re used

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