Alien Romance: Grabbed By The Alien Lord: Scifi Alien Abduction Romance (Alien Romance, Alien Invasion Romance, BBW) (Celestial Protectors Book 2)

Alien Romance: Grabbed By The Alien Lord: Scifi Alien Abduction Romance (Alien Romance, Alien Invasion Romance, BBW) (Celestial Protectors Book 2) by Aana Celestya

Book: Alien Romance: Grabbed By The Alien Lord: Scifi Alien Abduction Romance (Alien Romance, Alien Invasion Romance, BBW) (Celestial Protectors Book 2) by Aana Celestya Read Free Book Online
Authors: Aana Celestya
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stubbornness, her refusal to let her dreams remain only dreams. Together they'd finished the machine, tested it. And finally they'd pointed it at Kepler-22b.
    The Kepler-22 system was one of the closest star systems known to have earthlike planets possibly capable of sustaining life, and Kepler-22b was the most promising of those planets. Initial probes they'd sent through had reported land, and atmosphere.
    But this test would reveal so much more. Because Astrid was standing in front of a massive portal, an artificial wormhole, that was going to take her there in person.
    She climbed into the small, spherical pod she would be riding through the wormhole, taking a last deep breath as the aluminum silicate glass front of the pod lowered, sealing her into the tiny pod, which contained little other than a black, cushioned seat and a control panel. The rest of it was all reinforced environmental protection and the mechanism to create the portal again on the other side.
    "Ready to launch," Astrid reported as she buckled in to her seat.
    "Beginning launch sequence," Brentwood replied his voice muffled through the coms, "Hold on tight."
    He began the count down and Astrid clutched the arms of the chair tightly, staring into the eerie, colorless rippling of the portal in front of her. She heard the pod humming to life and her stomach clenched. Just a second before it rocketed forward into the portal, she closed her eyes.
    And opened them in a warzone.
    Blinking in the sudden and too bright sunlight, Astrid stared through the window of her pod, the earth still smoking around the crater the pod had made, as full scale battle raged outside it. She'd landed on what appeared to be icy tundra, the flat, frigid plane extending towards the soft blue shadow of mountains in the distance.
    And all that space was filled with two armies of what looked like humans, only much larger. The smallest looked taller than six feet, the largest over ten. Some were riding huge animals that resembled something between a horse and a predatory cat, with a long snout full of teeth and eight ungulate legs that ended in clawed paws rather than hooves.
    The warriors on the ground were wielding long black staffs topped with electric blue spearheads, while the mounted men had strange black devices which they held to the shoulders like javelins.
    Astrid realized why a moment later as a lance of blue light blossomed from the device and was fired from it like a rocket. One exploded very near her pod, knocking it onto its side, sending Astrid tumbling with a scream.
    She could hear Brentwood babbling over the coms, but she didn't have time to reply to him, as a large hand reached over and pried her pod's door off like it was made of aluminum.
    A man, easily eight and half feet tall, with a long black braid and a deep scar across his nose, grabbed her by the arm and dragged her out of the pod. He held her in the air easily, looking her up and down as she struggled against his grip, panic seizing her.
    "Too small," He grumbled, reaching out to pinch at her hips, which made her shriek in surprise, "But you'll do for a concubine I suppose."
    Astrid, wide eyed with terror at what she thought he was suggesting, slashed at his wrists with her nails but, though he grimaced, he didn't let her go, merely grabbing her other arm and giving her a good shake instead.
    Before she could regain her bearings, she heard a high pitched, keening cry like an elk, and one of the blue light lances exploded in the shoulder of the man holding her. He flew back, dropping her hard in the snow.
    And there she lay, the snow exploding with lance fire around her, as this strange, impossibly gorgeous man brought his charge closer in a single terrific leap, fired his weapon a second time, then turned to offer her his hand.
    Astrid didn't know what his words meant or what was going all. All she knew was that she wanted off this battlefield, and something in those stormy eyes told her she could trust him.

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