Alien Revealed

Alien Revealed by Lilly Cain

Book: Alien Revealed by Lilly Cain Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lilly Cain
her fear and desperation and longing at his psyche. When she felt his hand reach out to touch her thigh in a comforting grip, she sagged in relief and passed that on to him too, her relief, her lust, even the loneliness she’d felt since arriving on this foreign land.
    “Shh.” He comforted her without promising anything. “That’s how we were together before. You touched me with your mind.” He idly stroked her L’inar, smoothing them flat against her skin. Pleasure and joy hummed through her nerve lines, and she sent that emotion to David, as well. She strained against the bindings, desperate to touch him, to be touched. The waiting, this was something that no Inarrii would do to another, make them wait for a response or even to ask for it.
    “ M’ittar— the gods’ greatest gift to us. To you apparently, as well. Your thoughts brought me into your dreams, David. I couldn’t get there by myself. I can only sense and send emotion on my own. I need contact from another mind to have a true exchange of thoughts and experiences.” Her tongue slid over the human words in desperation. Thoughts seemed harder to form, although whether it was from his strange foods or being controlled sexually she wasn’t sure.
    “You’re beautiful.” His casual caress hesitated. “But how much of all this is bullshit? What the hell are you doing on Earth?”
    “Don’t stop,” she murmured. “I swear I’ll tell you everything, but don’t stop touching me. I…need you.” She cleared her throat. A wave of confusion hit her. She tingled, everywhere, and it was becoming more and more difficult to concentrate when all she wanted was for David to take her, to use her and please her and never stop. Never would she have imagined trying to explain her race while she was tied, naked, to an alien bed. “Inarrii need sex to maintain our calm, to remove stress. And I have been very stressed since I got here. Our dreams together have barely kept me going.”
    He remained silent. Alinna’s anxiety grew. The glimpse David had given her of his darker fantasies had been frightening, but exciting. He wanted to control her body, and she was handing him complete control, both of her body and her future by revealing her true identity and nature to him. She pulled against the bonds on her wrists, reminding him silently that she was at his mercy. She suspected she could use her strength to free herself, but it would be difficult, and would mean the end of any bond of trust she and David might have begun. If they took this further some day, she knew he would discover her limits and probably push her beyond them. There would be no way of escape. Excitement slid through her at the thought. A part of her that she never knew existed hoped he’d get the chance.
    “What are you doing here?”
    “My shuttle crashed. It was brought down by the airjet that crashed on your base. I was disoriented and injured. When I regained consciousness, you’d already labeled me as Dr. Janet MacPherson. Since I couldn’t get back to my ship and couldn’t reveal who I was, I made sure the comps here agreed with that idea.”
    “You look like us.” He put both hands on her thighs, and she shivered in delight. His desire radiated from him like heat, so warm she could almost feel it on her lips.
    “Except for the L’inar. They’re really nerve lines. They react to fear, excitement and…” she gasped as he stroked the lines on her lower abdomen, “…and pleasure.”
    “And to pain?”
    “Yes…” She stiffened as a sudden image crossed the mental barrier he’d erected. She saw herself bent over David’s lap as he slapped his bare hand across her ass. “Are you going to torture me after all?”
    Alinna squirmed on the bed at the sudden intensity and promise in his voice. Her movements seemed to focus his desire, she could feel it on her as the block between their minds slid away and m’ittar deepened between them.
    * * *
    “Are you hearing

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