Alexander Ranch

Alexander Ranch by Marla Josephs

Book: Alexander Ranch by Marla Josephs Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marla Josephs
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moment, but he was definitely feeling a lot of inner turmoil, regret and frustration coming through the clearest.
    I felt guilty for prying into his personal feelings and decided to focus on hanging out with Daisy. I guessed whatever assignment she was working was coming to an end or didn’t require her attention after lunch today.
    I never asked questions about their other work. It was none of my business. I’d been enjoying my new friendship with Daisy and Ethan, who’d also been absent lately. I wondered fleetingly if we would still be hanging out if we’d met under different circumstances, or when my current need for protection ended. I’d been brushing Gringa deep in thought when Jordan cautiously approached me.
    “I have a meeting to go to at lunch time. Daisy is going to meet you for lunch. Do you mind if I leave early?”
    We’d been working all morning in mostly companionable silence with a few comments interjected. He’d seemed troubled now in a new way. Instead of being irritated by my presence he seemed bothered that I believed he didn’t like me and didn’t appear to know what to do about it.
    “Trying to get rid of me as soon as possible , huh?” I tried to tease. He narrowed his eyes at me as if trying to determine if I were teasing or not. I smiled and guarded relief stole over his face. I saw the corners of his lips turn up.
    “Not at all. I just didn’t want the others to have to wait on me. We need to move on this.”
    “I’m kidding.”
    “Yes, very funny,” he tried for a frown. Then his face took on a concerned look. “But , if you feel you won’t be safe by yourself I’ll stay. It’s only 12 minutes early but – ”
    “Jordan go. I don’t need a babysitter. Besides it’s Fort Knox around here. What could happen?”
    “Are you sure?”
    I rolled my eyes. “Yes. Go.”
    “Ok, leave as soon as you’re done. Daisy will be waiting for you in the dining hall.”
    He left and I headed into Cervantes’ stall to brush him and give him a rub down. Cervantes bumped and nuzzled my pants pocket. I laughed and reached in pulling out a baby carrot.
    “Ok, big boy. One now and one when we’re done.”
    I loved talking to Cervantes , and he seemed to like me to chatter to him. He always snorted and shook his head around as if in response to my words. He was a sweet old thing and we formed and instant bond. I was chatting away when I thought I heard a noise. I turned to see Kevin, one of the other ranch hands, standing just outside the stall.
    “Oh, hi Kevin,” I said lightly. Kevin was the only other person on the ranch that made me uncomfortable. He’d only been introduced in passing. He wasn’t a full time employee and was fairly new according to Rene. Luckily he never really talked to me. He seemed to keep his distance from everyone and was more of a loner. Rene said it was because he wasn’t very social so didn’t fit in. I hated to admit it, but he gave me the creeps. I had no reason to feel this way. He’d been nothing but polite the few times we’d come in contact. But, I always felt him watching me. I’d caught him several times when I was in view of him and him of me. He never appeared embarrassed at being caught watching or staring. He would simply turn away and continue whatever task he was doing.
    “Hey there. How’s it going?” he asked with uncharacteristic friendliness. A flicker of unease poked at me.
    “Just fine. How about with you?” I replied with professional cordiality.
    “Just fine. Say, you need some help there?” he asked walking into the stall. For some undefinable reason, I did not want to be in a stall with him so I advanced to meet him at the stall door. I had a bucket with a brush and other supplies in my hand. I opened the gate wide and stepped out.
    “Thanks , Kevin, but I’m all done,” I said setting the bucket down.
    He grinned disconcertingly.
    “I saw Jordan leave a minute ago.”
    “Yes, he had something to do.”

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