Alexander, Kortny - Come and Get Me [Whispering Mountain 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Alexander, Kortny - Come and Get Me [Whispering Mountain 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) by Kortny Alexander

Book: Alexander, Kortny - Come and Get Me [Whispering Mountain 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) by Kortny Alexander Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kortny Alexander
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    As she stood staring out the massive kitchen window, a thought occurred to her.
    I need to write down all the things I remember Valerie telling me about her husband, Mr. Timmons. Maybe something will pop up that I missed before. She shook her head. I doubt I will learn anything new, but I should at least give it a try.
    She headed to her spacious bedroom, pulled the notebook and ink pen from the bag she had tossed on the floor, and sat down on the bed. She did a double take with the ink pen. Hmmm, must have swiped it from the receptionist.
    It had taken her a while to find her nearly perfect ink pens, and she bought four or five boxes at a time. This wasn’t one of them. She shrugged. She could have easily swiped it at the bank or anywhere else.
    May began writing. She knew Timmons had beaten and tormented his wife. He had completely isolated Valerie, and she had no one to turn to until she started seeing May. Even now, May was unsure how Valerie had managed to find her or even visit a therapist without her husband learning the truth. She believed Valerie must have slipped up somehow, because her husband had found out about her visits and he had told her to stop going.
    Valerie had told her over and over how dangerous he was and how she wanted to escape, but she had no way of doing so. She had also told May that she had been questioned by authorities who’d told her they were investigating Earl but never found anything concrete. In one of her sessions, Valerie had told May she had proof of her husband’s illegal activities but was afraid he would find out she was going to turn him in.
    It didn’t matter now because Valerie was dead and Earl had set his sights on her. Regardless of how she tried to spin it, this meant she definitely had something that belonged to him. He would not keep coming after her if she didn’t.
    “Valerie must have managed to mail me something or sneak something to me without my knowledge.” May hopped off the bed and paced the room. She had been at it so long the sun had gone down. “Think, dammit!”
    “Why are you talking to yourself, princess?”
    May spun around with a start, only to find Kane propped against the doorframe. Looking at him, at either of them, made her tremble. The way Kane looked at her made her feel as if she were the only woman in the world. It made her feel as if she were the sole object of his desires.
    Kane wore low-slung jeans and nothing else. She took a long, slow, and perusing look at him and grinned. She wanted to lick his naked flesh. The man was muscular and downright sexy. There was a glint in his blue gaze as it raked over her body, as if he was hungry for something other than food. When his tongue darted out of his mouth, licking his lips slowly, she felt her pussy flood with cream.
    Oh boy!
    She was frozen where she stood, and he didn’t move.
    “Take off your clothes.”
    All other thoughts subsided as his husky voice poured over her like silk against her skin, and she felt the goose bumps forming all over her body. She didn’t think or stop to ask questions. May pulled the shirt over her head and tossed it to the floor.
    “You have beautiful breasts.”
    She noticed how his lips twitched when he said that. He didn’t utter another word, he just watched. May’s hands went to her gray cotton pants. She shoved them down along with her panties and kicked them away.
    When Kane cleared his throat several times and stood up straight, she felt her body grow warmer. Her skin tingled and her stomach fluttered nervously. She felt sexy and wanton. If he didn’t touch her soon, she was going to have an orgasm from the anticipation.
    He began stripping as he closed the distance between them. He freely stroked himself in the process. She loved how he was completely different from Remy. Kane was raw and dirty. He would fuck her hard and then fuck her even harder, and she always wanted more. She craved for more, for him, for his brother. For both

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