Alana Candler, Marked for Murder

Alana Candler, Marked for Murder by Joanie Bruce

Book: Alana Candler, Marked for Murder by Joanie Bruce Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joanie Bruce
Tags: Fiction
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mom and my brother.” He blew out a pained breath. “. . .and me. He carried the Bible around with him everywhere and preached at us continually. In public, he was this perfect Christian, but at home . . .”
    Compassion for little-boy-Jaydn hit Alana in the pit of her stomach.
    He paused, and she watched him force some of the anger and frustration out of his voice.
    “It took me years to realize his brand of religion wasn’t the real version. His idea of religion was just a bunch of hot air and lies. By that time, I didn’t know what I really believed. I had friends in high school and college who tried to get me to go to church, but I wasn’t ready to accept any brand of religion that had my dad’s name on it.”
    Alana sat saddened. Believing in God was such a part of her life. Even growing up, she always went to church.
    She turned in the seat and looked at the firm set of his jaw. “You said it took years to realize your father’s brand of religion wasn’t the real thing. What made you change your mind?”
    “I guess it was the lives of my friends in college. They lived their religion. Many people say they believe in God, but live as if they don’t. You know what I mean?”
    Alana nodded. She knew exactly what he meant. Sometimes she chided herself for making her beliefs a social religion instead of a personal relationship with her Father. “In other words, they talk the talk, but don’t walk the walk.”
    “Exactly!” He sounded surprised that she would understand.
    Alana tried to word her next sentence carefully, but she knew she had to speak from her heart. “In every group, there are those who don’t conform to what the rest of the group believes, but that doesn’t mean what the group stands for is wrong. Just because your dad said he was a Christian doesn’t mean he reflected what God is or what He stands for.”
    Alana turned to look at him thoughtfully and knew she must ask the question. “What do you believe about God now?” she asked quietly.
    “I don’t really know. I guess I haven’t thought about it. I stay too busy to wonder about such things.”
    “Do you believe that God loves you?”
    He raised an eyebrow as he glanced at her. “I’m not sure I believe there is a God.”
    Her next comment was cut short as they pulled into Ross. She concentrated on giving directions to her apartment, but she felt a numbing sadness for someone who lived his life without knowing God. The Bible was clear— there is only one way to heaven—through Jesus Christ and His death on the cross. A person had to believe in God, repent of his sins, and accept Jesus as his Savior.
    When they pulled into the parking lot of her apartment building, she sat back in her seat and listened to the motor hum.
    “Are you sure you want to do this tonight?” he asked.
    Alana nodded. “I want to get it over with, and get things back in order.”
    “Okay. Let’s go.”

    JAYDN AND ALANA STOOD STARING at the front door of her apartment.
    “Are you all right?” Jaydn asked as she hesitated at the door.
    “I guess. I was hoping it was all a mistake, but . . .” She touched the marks around the door showing signs of forced entry. “. . .these marks confirm someone was here.”
    The hairs on the back of Jaydn’s neck prickled when he inspected the gashes in the door frame.
    Alana fumbled to open the door with trembling hands until Jaydn gently took the key from her. After pushing the key into the lock, he cautiously looked around inside before he let her enter.
    “The air conditioning must be off,” Alana said as she entered the oppressively hot room.
    Jaydn nodded and loosened his collar. He almost tripped over her when she bent to pick up pieces of a broken marble vase.
    Tears welled up in her eyes as she laid the large pieces on the table beside the door. “Brad and Lisa gave me this for a house warming present when I moved in.”
    When she glanced around, reality hit her, and her frame drooped.

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