Agent M4: Riordan

Agent M4: Riordan by Joni Hahn

Book: Agent M4: Riordan by Joni Hahn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joni Hahn
Tags: Science-Fiction, futuristic
Riordan said.
    Mitchell nodded. “I agree, Saint. I also think it fits because of the way Paul died.”
    Rose glanced around the table. “How did he die?”
    Mitchell’s gaze zeroed in on Riordan. “He killed himself by suicide bomb at a Harold Mills’ fundraiser.”
    Surprise sifted through Riordan, leaving him dumbfounded. Now he knew why Mitchell had told him to take it easy on her. She didn’t want to repeat what had happened with Paul. Natalie blamed herself for his death and didn’t trust her own judgment.
    Rose said, “Isn’t Mills running against Dan Meeks in the next election?”
    Mitchell gave a brief nod. “Yes, he is.”
    Which pointed all fingers to Dan Meeks and Warner.
    “Hell…” Rose straightened away from the table.
    “So, was Paul Warner some kind of devoted follower of Dan Meeks?” Tristan leaned an elbow on the table.
    “Not to my knowledge,” Mitchell said. “He’d been seeing Natalie as a patient for several months. Knowing Dan Meeks, I’d have to assume Paul wasn’t good enough for his daughter.”
    “So, why would Paul Warner do it?” Riordan said. “He had a beautiful woman, more money than he knew what to do with, and the potential to be a Senator’s son-in-law. He had everything going for him.”
    “Maybe he had serious psychological issues,” Rose said.
    Riordan didn’t buy it. “I don’t see Natalie getting involved with him if his condition was that serious.”
    “I agree,” Mitchell said. “Natalie is too smart and intuitive.”
    If John was capable of a bomb threat and setting a fire, he couldn’t be dismissed as a culprit. “Maybe John Warner set him up, thinking he’d inherit his money.”
    Tristan chimed in. “Or, the Senator set him up to ruin Mills’ election chances.”
    Or both . “Do we have forensics files on the suicide?” Riordan tipped his head toward Jaydan. “Rose can take a look at them.”
    Mitchell nodded. “I can get them. Downloading those files will alert Dan Meeks. I’m sure he has them under tight security.”
    Riordan braced his hands on the table. “Maybe he needs to know we’re watching him.”
    “I think we’ve made that clear with your identity investigation,” Mitchell said.
    “Excuse me, Riordan?”
    With a knock on the door, Rachel Monroe walked into Mitchell’s office. The grin that lit Jacobs’ face made Riordan smile. Damn, the man was whipped.
    The return smile she gave Jacobs proved the feeling was mutual. Lucky bastard. Rachel was a beautiful woman.
    Riordan turned to her as she approached, her eyes filled with apprehension. “Yeah, Rachel?”
    “We’re ready to clean Natalie’s wounds. I thought you might want to be there.”
    “Did she ask for me?” The idea made his heart light.
    Rachel shook her head. “In order to get out all of the dirt and asphalt, we have to scrub the wounds with steel wool pads. It’s extremely painful. We’ll give her something local for pain, but it won’t alleviate all of it. It’s not a fun process.”
    He started out the door, Rachel beside him. Just the thought of Natalie going through that pissed him off.
    And, Mitchell chewed him out for saving her? If he’d had a way to take the fall for her, he would have done it.
    “Thanks for coming to get me, Rachel.”
    They rushed through the compound and down the medical wing hallway.
    “Of course. I know I’d want Tristan there, if I were in her position.”
    “I think you may have misinterpreted our relationship.” He shook his head as if to clear it. “Hell, what am I saying? We aren’t even in a relationship. She was my doctor. I was her patient.”
    Rachel gave him a knowing smile before she shoved open the hospital room door. “Whatever you say, Mr. St. James.”
    Following her into the room, Riordan took one look at Natalie and wanted to repel and bend things.
    His beautiful, delicate doctor lay on her side facing the wall, a strip of ugly, bleeding road rash marring her long, exposed leg. She wore a pale

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