Agent for a Cause (The Agents for Good)

Agent for a Cause (The Agents for Good) by Guy Stanton III Page B

Book: Agent for a Cause (The Agents for Good) by Guy Stanton III Read Free Book Online
Authors: Guy Stanton III
Tags: Romance Thriller
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enjoyment is. It’s not right! He and so many others deserve the life they were created to have and enjoy. I knew it was possible that they might kill one or both of us, but I just thought it was the right thing to do. For a while I wondered if you were involved, but I decided against that. Then you told me that you killed people. Please don’t hate me when I tell you this Tyre! It’s true that I had feelings for you! That I wanted to be yours and I want you to be Kevin’s daddy but….”
    She stammered to complete what she was trying to say so I finished it for her, “But you were hoping that you and Kevin would be safe with me, because I would be able to protect you.”
    “Yes.” She said whispering.
    I pulled her face back up with a finger.
    “Why on Earth would you think I would have a problem with keeping you and Kevin safe?”
    “I don’t want you to feel like I’m using you! I was at first I suppose, but not now! I promise!”
    My thumb coasted over her lips caressingly, “I consider protecting you and Kevin among the highest priorities I could ever accomplish in life. I don’t feel used, but rather fulfilled in some way as a man. I would do far more than just protect you Anna. I would gladly die for you!”
    Her hand closed over mine tightly, “Oh please don’t do that!”
    I smiled and change the subject, “How about you getting up here. You’re too far away down there.”
    She slid onto my lap and I kissed her with real passion.

Chapter Nine
    It was late morning before I got away and even then it was with reluctance on my part. It was like denying oneself oxygen needed to breathe being away from her. Anna had rightly chosen a suitor that could keep her safe. I dealt with the John Lazak’s of the world all the time.
    This case was going to have to play out a little differently, which left a bitter taste in my mouth. The man deserved to die but him dying wasn’t going to keep Anna and Kevin safe.
    Several hours later I let myself into the handsome private country estate of John Lazak located just outside Bristol Connecticut. I’d already hacked into John’s accounts. He’d be arriving home soon after an early afternoon golf outing. All I had to do was wait. I settled into a leather study chair and did just that, as the sounds of the grandfather clock’s ticking sounded loudly within the still room.
    It was an hour before the study door opened and John went by me. He hadn’t even bothered to take his muddy shoes off and was even now leaving footprints across the expensive Persian rug.
    I stood up and he reacted in surprise, “What the…?”
    Was all he had time to ask before the needle plunged into his neck injecting its load into his bloodstream. I kicked his legs out from under him and he fell to the floor looking stunned.
    He looked up at me in horror, “What did you do to me?”
    “Oh I think you know. It’s quite something to experience for yourself how so many of your victims have died isn’t it?”
    He stared up at me as pain began to set into his face and he clutched at his chest even as his breathing became erratic. This is what he had done to my Anna. Cold fury washed throughout me as I observed him.
    “Please!” He gasped out breathlessly.
    Coldly I began to walk around him dropping photos to the floor as I walked.
    “Please didn’t get any of these people very far did it?” I spit out in anger. “Why should it be any different for you?”
    “I have money!” He gasped out, but I held up one hand forestalling him.
    “Money doesn’t hold any interest to me much the same as it didn’t for Anna Courtman. You remember her right?”
    His face turned ashen as he whispered, “You’re that man!”
    “Yes I’m that man. I broke up your little shindig didn’t I?”
    I saw hope fade from his eyes. It was time. I pulled out the second syringe and watched his dying hope light up again.
    “Now this can make all your current difficulties go away so to

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