Afternoon on the Amazon

Afternoon on the Amazon by Mary Pope Osborne Page B

Book: Afternoon on the Amazon by Mary Pope Osborne Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mary Pope Osborne
Tags: Ages 5 and up
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    â€œStay here, Peanut,” said Annie as she put the mouse in her pocket.
    The wind picked up. The tree house started to spin.
    Jack squeezed his eyes shut.
    The wind was whistling now. The tree house was spinning faster and faster.
    Then everything was still.
    Absolutely still.
    Wild sounds broke the silence.
    Chirp! Chirp!

Jack opened his eyes.
    The air was hot and steamy.
    â€œIt looks like we landed in some bushes,” said Annie.
    She was peeking out of the tree house window. Peanut was peeking out of Annie’s pocket.
    Jack peeked out of the tree house, too.
    They had landed in a sea of shiny green leaves. Outside there were flowers, bright butterflies, and birds. Just as in the book.
    â€œThat’s strange,” said Jack. “I wonderwhy we didn’t land in a tree. The way we always do.”
    â€œI don’t know,” said Annie. “But let’s hurry and find the thing for Morgan. So we can get back home before we meet any big bugs.”
    â€œWait. This seems weird,” said Jack. “I don’t understand why we landed in bushes. I’d better read about this.”
    â€œOh, come on,” said Annie. “We don’t even need the ladder. We can just climb out the window.”
    Annie put Peanut in her pocket. She stuck one leg out the window.
    â€œWait!” Jack grabbed Annie’s other leg. He read:
    The rain forest is in three layers. Thick treetops, often over 150 feetin the air, make up the top layer. This is called the forest canopy. Below the canopy is the understory, then the forest floor.

    â€œGet back in here!” cried Jack. “We’re probably more than 150 feet above the ground! In the forest canopy!”

    â€œYikes!” said Annie. She slipped back into the tree house.
to use the ladder,” said Jack. He got on his hands and knees. He moved leaves away from the hole in the floor. He looked down.
    The ladder seemed to fall between the branches of a giant tree. But Jack couldn’t see beyond that.
    â€œI can’t tell what’s down there,” he said. “Be careful.”
    Jack put the rain forest book in his backpack. Then he stepped onto the rope ladder.
    He started down. Annie followed with Peanut in her pocket.
    Jack pushed through the leaves.
    He came to the understory below the canopy.
    He looked down at the forest floor. It was very far away.
    â€œOh, man,” whispered Jack.
    This world was completely different from the one above the treetops.
    Now that they were out of the sun, it was cooler. It was also damp and very quiet.
    Jack shivered. It was the spookiest place he had ever seen.

Jack didn’t move. He kept staring down at the forest floor.
    â€œWhat’s wrong?” Annie called from above.
    Jack didn’t answer.
    â€œYou don’t see any giant spiders, do you?” Annie said.
    â€œWell … no.” Jack took a deep breath.
    We have to keep going, he thought. We have to find the special thing for Morgan.
    â€œNo spiders. Nothing scary,” Jack called. And he started down the ladder again.
    Jack and Annie climbed down through theunderstory. Finally they stepped onto the forest floor.
    Only a few rays of light slanted through the gloom.
    The trees were very, very tall and very wide. Vines and moss were hanging everywhere. The ground was covered with dead leaves.
    â€œBefore we do anything, I’d better check the book,” said Jack.
    He pulled out the rain forest book. He found a picture of the dark world under the treetops.
    He read:
    In the rain forest, many living creatures blend in with their surroundings. This is called camouflage.
    â€œOh, man,” said Jack. He closed the book and looked around. “There’re
of creatures down here. We just can’t see them.”
    â€œReally?” whispered Annie.
    She and Jack peered around at the quiet forest. Jack felt unseen eyes

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