After the Morning After
inch of him, and the sensation was making her lose her mind. She looked at his face. It was savage with concentration as he pounded into her again and again, his hands gripping her so tight she knew they’d leave imprints on her hips.
    She clasped his ass in her hands, pulling him toward her as she pushed her feet against him. Hearing the constant slap-slap sound her ass made as it repeatedly came in hard contact with his thighs only served to heighten her pleasure. When he gritted his teeth and executed a particularly violent thrust, Victoria felt the explosion begin to rumble low in her stomach. Her mouth fell open speechlessly as the explosion roared up like a demon and completely took over her body, sending her spinning out of control and looking for an anchor.
    Her hands clenched on his behind and she pulled him hard into her ensuring that he took that scarily exciting, seemingly never-ending free fall over the precipice with her.
    Sanjay lay with Victoria’s head on his chest as he played with her curls. “Vick.” They’d fallen asleep but had awakened when he’d decided he was hungry again. Apple pie and cheddar cheese had remedied the problem, and now they lay in bed satiated in more ways than one.
    “Hmm?” she mumbled sleepily, and then, “Please don’t call me that, Sanjay. I really dislike the name, especially given the reason you came up with it.”
    “What? You mean because it rhymes with dick, which always comes to immediate attention whenever you’re around? That reason?”
    “Humph,” she muttered and pouted. “Yes, that reason, which is even worse than I thought.”
    Sanjay chuckled and kissed her forehead, smiling when she nuzzled into the kiss. “I’m just teasing. The real reason I call you Vick is because you’re just the opposite of what I’d imagine someone named Vick to be like —all hairy, muscle-bound, hard, and smelly. You’re soft and feminine, and you smell good. When we worked together, sometimes just the thought of your scent would get me out of bed and into work. God, you just don’t know how much I hated that place by the time I left. I was miserable, but then I’d think about your scent and that was enough to get me to the shower. And once I’d had my shower, I was usually okay.”
    Victoria said nothing. She only leaned up, took his face in her hands, and kissed him softly in an effort to comfort him.
    “And of course, I couldn’t wait to get there to pester the hell out of you. That was also a bright spot in my day,” he joked once she’d broken off the kiss. “You’re so easy to irritate.”
    The sound she made was neutral as she snuggled deeper into the bed. “I have another question. About those burglar’s tools. Why do you have them?”
    Sanjay yawned. “Oh, they’re a holdover from my misspent youth.”
    Victoria sat up. “What? You were a teenage burglar?”
    He laughed. “Not quite. I spent one summer in Chicago visiting cousins. They live in the city—not a rough part of the city, but still it’s the city , you know? I felt so alive and reckless there. I mean, I was from a small college town where nothing exciting ever seemed to happen. Anyway, my cousins had this next-door neighbor, Ralph Mattson. I’ll never forget his name.
    “Ralph was a badass, so I thought he was cool. That summer he tried to initiate me into badass-ness. My cousins, who would have nothing to do with Ralph, told me to stay away from him, but of course I didn’t listen. I hung with Ralph as much as I could until finally one day he told me if I really wanted to be one of the crew, I had to do what they did, which was burglarizing empty houses and apartments. They hit when people were on vacation. I wanted to be one of the gang, so I agreed, even though I was scared shitless.”
    “How old were you?”
    “Aw, you were just a baby,” she cooed.
    “Nah, not really. Don’t let the age fool you; I was quickly building a reputation. So, anyway, Ralph

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