After Hours

After Hours by Marie Rochelle

Book: After Hours by Marie Rochelle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marie Rochelle
you given him a chance to explain?”
    “Africa, two weeks ago I was in court watching my uncle being accused of being on the F.B.I.’s ten most wanted list,” Jametria said. “How could I want to talk to Forbes after sitting through that? Besides, when he did try approaching in the hallway, you practically dragged me down the court house steps.”
     “I know and I feel bad about that now, but you were so upset that day. I couldn’t let Forbes corner you.”
    A knock on the door interrupted them. “Come in,” Jametria yelled, standing up.
    Kay, the bookstore owner, came in with a huge smile that covered her sienna face. Her thick braids were pulled back from her head with a clip. Jametria had liked her the second they were introduced.
     “We are ready for you, Ms. Collins,” she stated. “I can’t believe that I’ve already sold every copy of your book I had in the store.”
    “You’re kidding me,” Jametria gasped.
    Kay shook her head. “No, I’m serious. We sold out your newest hardcover book in a matter of minutes, and then they started on the mass market books.”
    Jametria was speechless. She never thought people would respond to her like this at her first book signing. “How many people are out there now?” She wasn’t fond of big crowds, but she could deal with one if the time called for it.
    “It’s hard to guess, but I would say over a hundred.”
    Lord, give me the strength, she prayed silently.
    “You can do this,” Africa said, giving her encouragement. “Just take a deep breath and smile. Don’t make it worse than it is. Remember that I’m going to be standing right behind you.”
    I can do this. I can do this. I can do this. She kept saying that over and over in her head until her pulse returned to a normal rate. Jametria knew she wasn’t a coward and her fans came all this way to see her. It would be very disappointing if she didn’t get out there.
    “Okay, I’m ready. Lead me to them.”
    “Wonderful.” Kay grinned, turning back towards the door. “Thank you again for coming here and doing this.”
    “Shades of Love was the first book store to place my books on its shelves. How could I say no? You helped me gain the fans that I have today.”
    “I may have given them the avenue to buy your books, but your excellent writing keeps them coming back.” Kay opened the door allowing her and Africa to walk through then she followed.
    “Thank you for the compliment,” Jametria said.
    Kay waved off her statement. “Don’t thank me for speaking the truth. Now, let’s go and give your fans what they want.”
    “What do they want?” she asked, growing a little more anxious as they strolled towards the front of the store.
    “The chance to meet the famous Jametria Collins,” Africa answered. She wrapped her arm around her shoulder and gave it a light squeeze. “Push everything else to the back of your mind and allow yourself to get lost in the moment.”
    Turning her head slightly, Jametria glanced up at her friend. “I’ll try my best.”
    “There she is,” Forbes whispered as he watched Jametria take a seat at the empty table that only twenty minutes ago was stacked with her latest book. Her fans had snatched the books up minutes after the clerk walked away from the table. Luckily, he had arrived a little early and was able to grab one before they were all gone.
    He couldn’t take his eyes off how the white sundress contrasted with Jametria’s dark beauty. Everything about her looked so bewitching today; if he wasn’t already in love with her, he would have fallen hard today.
    What was he going to do if she never looked at him with love in her eyes again?
    He wasn’t ready to think about all the time he had been cheated away from her. These past few weeks had been the worst of his life. Every day he remembered how her warm body felt against his chest, how sometimes her soft fingers stroked the middle of his chest until she fell asleep.
    From looking at

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